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Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling

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how i feel when i open a pack of gum in class
Ok,I got this
Haha whoops
Making a racist joke, when suddenly black freind
I.. I have to...
feminism ain't concentrating on whats really important
i can't blame him
How the world sees America
Don't let the media fool you
go on now, scram
His past Curling career really paid off.
Extraordinary Kitchen
White Kids Can't Jump... either.
Screenshot of Paris Hilton's new sextape with Lil Wayne
lost in the woods in your room
house music
reasons why i'm going to hell #248
he must be working in da ministry of magic
stupid *** get your arms together
First World Problems
Poor Snake.
When I finally decide to do something with my life
is this real life?
'Only in Murica'
but did he... wait
I'm pregnant
***ing Lag.
Trust me. I'm an engineer...
Giovanni must feel slightly threatened by my ninja skills
gaben will protect me with glorious steam sales
Underwater levels
The quickie guide
you tride
Modern Governments
SQAURE ROOT *slaps knee*
Just look at the picture.
STFU you're not special, nobody likes you
Business Baby
The Pirate's Dilemma
Yup, I just broke the rule
japanese sensoring
Good Logic.
Making him work overtime for his Oscar
can;t blame them whites
Offensive Joke Quokka: the new mascot of /b/
What is yer favourite colour?
panic-mode activated
The perfection of trolling
why? just why?
Tourists nowadays..
dude bel air is immense
saw a girl passed out bending over a bin. her name? destiny.
"Sweet mother of Jesus, dis some gud water"
don't make gamers angry or they break your arm.
Couldn't Beet That
Dem feels
i'd want to die if my nephew dressed like that
*freaking intensifies*
I got it.
Wrong number
The snake has a bright future.
The other day, in the hairstyle of Ricky Martin ...
This website
I, for one, welcome our new Dog overlords.
skipping legs is for ***s
4chan meets real life
how does that even happen
Oh spidey...
The Post of Legolas
Classic mix-up
Hide yo' kids, Hide yo' wife
but, but, im really good at it
ahh the ignorance
My advanced IQ allows me to get this joke.
the swat team doesnt give a flying ***
You can't spell fart without art
Togeth... wait what
better ask first
Why I`m afraid to play Starcraft
Somewhere there, an eagle lost it's wings
those ***s
Nice try Leo...
Good ol' Disney
I get mine something every day
He might not be a pokemon master but he is a friendzone master
i have a delorean, your argument is invalid
living in the Netherlands
let me see, was it good?
Good Guy Burglar
smooth as ***
hitler got a larger part of