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8-Year Club

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Shut up
Goddammit autocorrect...
Good Girl
Crimea got a new general, I'll fight hard if I'm under her.
I don't even have a title for this
If Jesus lived today
Agreeing with the person talking, just so I can leave sooner.
That'll fix it ...
Words from Gandhi
mystery revealed
Business in the front, Drug deals in the back
How to win at life..
Why You Never Get Anything Done
Vladimir, feed your starving children!
E=MC square boobs
Options: parental control: disable blood
'Choose Your Own Title'
A pony
but first let me take a selfie.
It's the shizznit
If you can't beat em - JOIN EM! Oh wait..
10/10 would date
gandalfs another job
he can't even
The Magician's Son
fun Fact: #3
doesn't matter plastic floats too
Who's in?
Deck can't handle us...
You are Kheelan me with this joke
420 legunn is coming for us all!
No bandshirt? No problem
The machine gun hurted
Challenge accepted.
Planking? Soooo yesterday *as I arch over a 3 meter dildo*
That time of the month.
didn't see that cumming.
"never skip neck day"
Where is your science now, atheist?
useless piece of shit?not now!
thanks obama
mexican toys are the best
Of course he is...
Would keep Sarah Palin fascinated...
OP's nightmare
*studio laughter*
Ohh Linda.
He will be the new meme for DAT ASS!
it could be a come from behind victory
true magic
That's why they call him Johnny Tightlips
But how can we see each other if we do not exist ?
Smart mother***er
Do it for the Pun
We all know that girl
Puffy cheeks, Smuged eyes, Mom's spaghetti.
Yeah Reese.
its Mister 305
no need to pay any hours for it
How to make new friends
Brakes failure
I'll take 20.
Gunna get CUT
Top Gear on the Mercedes G 63 AMG 6x6
"We are sad to report that the brutal repression of protests in Ukraine has claimed another life"
Attack on 'Murica
Mr.Freeze anyone?
I have no idea what's going on there
We just don't care anymore
The future is bright
That backfired a little...
I'll try again tomorrow.
Interactive Vegan-hater Annihilation Nanobot
Moon moon being special again...
Fluffy Frank Faces Fury From Foal
Hey kids. Wanna buy some eggs?
Excuse me
Steven Seagal saves the world again!
Damn crippled cracker
Meanwhile in Korea
Don't look mom. Don't look at your little boy.
I wanna play!
Darwin awards
Something had to be done!
slight mistake in formula
I never fit in and i don't know why
Just another ordinary day in Japan
How to get blind in 3 seconds
"I don't like you in that way, can we just be friends?"
Too late to panic. Accept your fate.
Ouch e.e
Maidan Kombat