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Just a man with a plan to make a fan out of a can to cool his pan after a nice tan. (Not quite sure where I was going with that)

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nailed it
Sentence this yourself, rearrenge kill
she doooooooooo!
Get your porn knowledge straight
no parents you say? OMW!
Who put that there?
i come from the anal destroyer street
Girl why?
''It's a dangerous world out there for a toy'' - Stinky Pete the Prospector.
Deep Roy the Chocolate Boy
Can't believe they haven't figured it out yet...
Get on my lvl n00b
Serious Law School Interview
Once upon a time, in a bar somewhere in Canada...
( . )( . )
get well plz
How i imagine a police officer in 'Murica
Or for people trying to make their math instruments interesting
You better be laughing really hard, ***.
my uncles greatest achievement in life
Same thing with Coke and pepsi
Its like a special unit in Command and Conquer or some shit.
He Thought It Was Funny Until...
Natalia Poklonskaya, japan edition
wait… haven't i seen you somewhere before...
Mom stop! I don't have any acid
Communication error
Obma pls
The only thing the Bible's good for
aaaw Yis, Finally
I would destroy the world
*Sirens in the distance*
Johnny Depp is a ditto
Fun Game.
Ohh, Natalia...
Heard you were talking shit about me
Opening the fridge and finding food in it....
anything is better than twilight
Golden Eye 64 had some of the most realistic things
Jew gotta be kidding me!
Thanks Jesus
A comparison between Chilean men and american men
You can't know if you don't try
Keep up mother***er!
A simpler time
Cruise? Anyone?
Westboro baptist church
Damn these child safety locks
Reportedly, David forgot his line and said this
proud achievement
Deal with it
Prepare your anus Barry...
What is love?
Sure the "Taste".
Pregnancy in a nutshell
Getting really tired of your shit James
*** please, I'm fabulous
A bit more convincing
Deffinition of Heaven
arnold's still the man
Oh wait
as a lawyer, i can confirm that i no longer exist now
new bestseller
guys wake up!
just in time
thank me for the news
Your local forrest
It's cool Murica got this
It is certainly letter E
Tumblr in a nutshell
And then your neck.
Getting really tired of your shit, pole
Bill Gates when washing
The Last comment.
Highest Level of 'Nope' achieved.
Had enough of yo shit Ash.
That feel when you're a beta, and she's a General...
OMG!!! Give that kitty a kidney
I have a dream!
And a thermos for warm tea, of course.
What do you think?
A clue! But what does it mean...
no rope?
No wai iz teh wrng wai
Poeple arguing on the internet
when Bob Ross adds something to the painting
Whenever a feminist friends starts boring me i send her this
No Problem
Product placement or inability to take a screenshot because stupid? I wonder..