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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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how to properly communicate with your significant other
These new leaks look promising guys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
weed might have been involved here
Thailand can into smart
Grammar police strike again
Anon has a layover in Texas
when she says "hit my g-spot"
When he misses my mouth
Finally an honest candidate
Rick didn't get a brownie
I hate it when that happens
Gang attack? No problem nic
Christian Mingle
Red tomato
So i got matched on Tinder guys do you think I should write back ?
The meme nobody missed.
but 20 years later, no one will make WW3 games because the story will be too stupid
Tough choice
Uhh, no thanks.
Lawsuit by Apple in 3,2,1(HAHA)
Arguing with bae
Oh dear `MERICA` we gotta love it
For a split second you can see Ned thinking *Crap Im getting the rose* Is my hair looking good?
I got my money on the hamster , anyone for lady gaga?
Leopards are graceful and powerful hunters. Most of the time.
The new dadelion on cellblock F
Mods on HL be like .. *Milton* can I help you good sir
The sanest person on 4chan
When you're in 1st place in Mario Kart and shit starts going down behind you
When my friend says he will face the consequences with me
nah teach i just dropped my pen
I find your lack of accuracy disturbing
*whispering softly * I will never let you go again bae
Ching-chong intensifies
If you say so…
Dota 2 is a fun game
This guy knows what women want
Stumbled across this treasure on youtube...
Surfing Forever
I would've laughed
Playing at other servers be like:
Spiders are nerds
IGN reporting
Okay wait a minute, I call him
Hacker known as 4chan at it again
Get out of my swamp
Something similar happened to me, but I think it was because the dark basement scared her
every guy at a threesome
When girlfriend starts telling you a short story
Ooh Vladdy.. you joker...
goddamit chandler
Black hole
Yes make this a thing pls
How I make something work by forcing it
the barbers reaction when taking off a bit more than just "a couple of inches"
MFW some post from AtLeastISubmit get downvoted
how to pick up dates
How to properly use an iphone
/b/ caring for Timmy.
Calm down satan
You did
Anon enjoys Latinas
Works all the time
interracial is the new fetish
"How are you doing in school lately?"
Just answer the question already.
Is America even trying?
Everybody, HIDE!!!
Most of us recently
Like talking to autistic midgets
Steve plz
Honesty is the best policy !
Today was a *another* good day
She's not wrong
Rock paper scissors
when i'm flirting with a dude and he says 'no homo tho'
shut down
Well well well
He's climbin' in yo' window
Sharing is caring
keeping it real
The turtle Cavalry means business
what it feels like to reach front with bullshit
Sure, not gay...
Found this card at Target
(No homo)
How I feel about some comments I see
When you about to fall asleep and remember you had homework
Sentient-Ventriloquist-Superman/Dog with a cape was thing. Just wanted you to know that.