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Doing my best to bring the lols!
Shitposting is my goal!
Don't like my gambling, stuck it up your hole!

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99 white girls be like waitin
The Simpsons really know how to make fun of themselves
When you have too many secrets for one drawer
Game is glitchy. Raft is bugged.
No Internet vs Slow Internet
chicken is friendly
Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Interstellar
Seriously bro.
katherine prankerdeen
The thirst....who knew?
Like a boss, Mozart
Scumbag Telomeres...
When she says she's close.
Glowstick Facial
Another reason not to release him early: he's a murderer
You gotta commit.
mfw a girl calls her bf daddy
Not just a number...
The difference between Homer and Bender
Do Not Disturb.
T is for...
You did not do well
Someone's been reproducing with Satan again
Got yo ass its gatorade
feline feelings
The absolute worst idea since tent pants
Was looking for images a bullies for an English project but this looks like the start of a porno.
When you act like you're late for something to get out of a party
Special delivery
dammit mom
Asking the tough questions.....
Beautiful rainbow
Hot shingles you say?
Beauty standards are getting weirder
Glad I do not have any siblings
So punny
may god strike me down
Got hot shingles?
Nice try China
I, too, googled 'flawed logic', was not disappointed either
Just dont make any friends
Best weekend ever
let it go, margaret
He has a point
This quote will go down in history
End the Abuse
How to get away with saying something crazy
come on ashley, you're not drawing shit on the board at this moment
Breakdown of my week
*shitting intensifies*
Pirates don't give a sh*t
I'll see your new professor and raise you the Dogtors.
Very necessary researches
Darude-Sandstorm is the new Rickrolling
Benjamin Franklin's unrecorded wisdom...
Cousin problems
"So close, no matter how far"
Why wont this damn thing start?
Lil Jon just shared this on Facebook
Sherlock's Shirt
When you buy shoes, do you throw the other one away or do you get it half off?
best internet is internet explorer
Oh. Ok.
Play dead
Every boy band nowadays
That's my fetish
cure to cancer found #2
Hey there stranger
Location, Location, Location
Home of the what?
Pornography Critic.
Best tank top ever
Vader actually did bring balance to the Force
Honest product review
Yup, its the 9/11th today
normal people on /b/
lost scoring in 10 seconds
see you forever, na
Gotta go fast!
The struggle is real
It's true!
Pete Davidson on talking to girls
Always Listen To Your Coach
Kim Possible
Totally not made up
Working in retail
When you leave a party but you're still drunk
every ***ing time