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This account is new but my existence in this webpage is over 7 years old. Old account got deleted in the purge.
6-Year Club

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Christmas is the most metal holiday
My reaction when as a king I lead a crusade and my favorite song comes on the lute
Liz Lemon and the toaster waffle
Nice Pun Work, Dream Me!
trust me, I'm an engineer
animu glasses
Patients is a virtue
it's not hi. it's ni
Jesus got some moves.
When her weight starts with 200
This is why my teacher is stupid.
Wrong number
Honest guy.
Scrooge Mc....***
Best handicap license plate ever.
gonna get my fedora hat on!
but i'm a dark skinned hispanic!
well, shit
It's the most wonderful time of the year.
how I salud my friends from university when we graduated
Dad, what's Jagrmeister?
kim K rising her doucheyness level
Trying this tomorrow. wish me luck
How does Justin Bieber remove his condom?
screw you
The Most Comfortable Man In The World
how I imagine my first time
Anon Exposes Gayfag
For mother russia
This moment in Harold and Kumar..
Frodo the psycho
Let's just saber this for a moment.
How to get a date.
Saw this earlier thought it needed something more.
Meanwhile at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport
Avatar, the last smoke bender
Step up your selfie game!
coming home from the 1st date
Seems legit.
Seems legit.
Budget Cuts
Poor xbox one
Excuse Me While I Contact My People
It's a pitty that kids these days are all getting involved with that.
Think it'll work?
best snu snu is head snu snu
Canadian Dexter
true and proven
Every. Damn. Week.
Thought so.
Bad thing to see in the middle of an exam
How about no
Time to get some answers.
good deal
We're gonna get some sigarettes.
Video games over hoes
It's hot where you're going
Tumblr users foreplay
We were afraid to drive directly behind...
Never Admitting To Failure
No one listens to me
Douchey haircuts
No homo, though
Nice rims
it's heavly snowing!
Not. Even. A. Single. Drop.
the stupidity is unreal
Or you can tell her to buy her own toothpaste
Please this time,don't avoid the cone,please?
This kid knows.
Somebody at work isn't the brightest...
That's a bit harsh Steam
Tried getting our dog into the Christmas spirit...
Yup. That's definitely how it's done...
We're smug about it
Your move, admins
Miss Teen USA
Well Played Michael...
I'll take two, thanks Target!
This Duolingo app is teaching me really important Spanish phrases
gotta string it out a little
Ridiculous GOT subtitles ..
Mahmoud, not again?
world 2020
They will reach places.
Expensive camera accessories? Nah bro
dat twist
It's about damn time!
Leslie's memoirs
That's a little terrifying
Expect the unexpected
My dancemoves are lethal.
"What do you want to watch?" Idk, White people almost kissing seems good
The saddest book I've ever read