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I'm a 22-year-old guy with a passion for drawing and making people laugh. Those two characteristics motivated me to create a web comic.

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coming home from the 1st date
Seems legit.
Seems legit.
Budget Cuts
Poor xbox one
Excuse Me While I Contact My People
It's a pitty that kids these days are all getting involved with that.
Think it'll work?
best snu snu is head snu snu
Canadian Dexter
true and proven
Every. Damn. Week.
Thought so.
Bad thing to see in the middle of an exam
How about no
Time to get some answers.
good deal
We're gonna get some sigarettes.
Video games over hoes
It's hot where you're going
Tumblr users foreplay
We were afraid to drive directly behind...
Never Admitting To Failure
No one listens to me
Douchey haircuts
No homo, though
Nice rims
it's heavly snowing!
Not. Even. A. Single. Drop.
the stupidity is unreal
Or you can tell her to buy her own toothpaste
Please this time,don't avoid the cone,please?
This kid knows.
Somebody at work isn't the brightest...
That's a bit harsh Steam
Tried getting our dog into the Christmas spirit...
Yup. That's definitely how it's done...
We're smug about it
Your move, admins
Miss Teen USA
Well Played Michael...
I'll take two, thanks Target!
This Duolingo app is teaching me really important Spanish phrases
gotta string it out a little
Ridiculous GOT subtitles ..
Mahmoud, not again?
world 2020
They will reach places.
Expensive camera accessories? Nah bro
dat twist
It's about damn time!
Leslie's memoirs
That's a little terrifying
Expect the unexpected
My dancemoves are lethal.
"What do you want to watch?" Idk, White people almost kissing seems good
The saddest book I've ever read
So I was going through my sisters stuff,when suddenly..
Master Bate will help
Anyone else starting to relate to the parents in cartoons...
Rudolph's "magic dust"
***es ain't nothin but hoes and tricks -Dr. Dre
not sure if man or mane
Wouf,wouf,wouf - said their leader.Strong woufs ideed.
Trying to Last Longer Than the Black Guy at the Orgy
The 4 basic good groups
Trying to beat the finals
Gandalf wanna be
That frog has seen some shit
Cooking is hard.
i can play this game better and you succ in paintskill (fixed)
Looking in your pants
Found this on Facebook, 100% accurate. I've found myself in this situation a few times, sorry.
You know your slow when this thing pops up
A haiku about getting out of bed.
Classic Smooth
- Adolf Hitler
What every man need
orcan they?
Well it was my Christmas gift last year.
since everyone is doing these starterpackthingies
This sums up Finals Week quite nicely...
Its that time of year again...
Hey, at least he's honest about it.
who knows!
Wise words.
Panda's escape
Yes... Yes it is...
This was pointed out to me just now. The original, winged, DickButt, carved in stone. Date: 1 A.D.
Protests in London right now.
Why is this written on your back . . .?
How freshman look at parties
Knock Knock...
Marketing done...I'm not sure