and mine's inseparable. like literally two creatures in one body

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Giant rabbit in the pet store
D'ats tru luv, i cri everitim
Snapchat doesn't sound that bad now, does it?
That's always an option
confirmed guys
No sammich for Ken =
a guide to get closer to people
You never yell when the cat does it
gee thanks
worst hunting dog ever
Before he chop of his head
Bill Clinton's early 90s mixtape
Harold ran out of toilet paper again, so he had to resort to other options...
1. Apply water on the witched area 2. Watch her melt.
So a customer just brought this in to get it laminated
The rules for Will Ferrell's charity golf
Seems legit
We russian in?
sums up high school
Professor Oak asking the real questions
Baptize motherf*cker!
Vikings are always first
We're here for you Patrick
Greatest improvised line ever
FOX knows the cold hard facts.
Double standard
Poor Engineers...
Facebook comment win
:o :v
he could be the mastermind behind everything
You can't say that to her....
Mad with your Wife?
His club didn't remain standing
Depression Quest changed my view on my Steam LIbrary.
What Lil Wayne really tries to say
Dodging a snowball
A positive LSD story...
Next level selfie game
No problem here officer.
Beg to differ...
It's Cool Guys, I've Got This
You should just wear it on your back
No truer words have ever been spoken.
Just in case they lose one, the Steelers have a backup.
Trying to reach the college restaurant first after class.
something to consider? lol
*silence intensifies*
That 60 year old woman that still thinks she is 25
God speed
Reese logic
Giving a Homeless Man $100 to take home
Ain't that the truth
***in Cheating
So close
When gf is off of her period and doesn't have any excuse to deny sex
The internet is now closed on Sundays.
Just found this in a gov building. You ***ers better start behaving or I'm shutting shit down.
All the uranium posts reminds me of this classic.
Snapchat Teacher
be the ball
Who's going to get him some ointment?
Trying to be cool
booty had me like
When cartoons hit home..
he obviously doesn't skip leg day
That'll teach him.
My first wank in class
Random act of kindness
El Sonic
Low budget cinema
Denzel Washington is so funny...
This gives selfies a whole new meaning
Smooth as baby cheeks
Free Admission
This was found inside a french mansion after it had been sealed for 100 years.
Overly Competitive Game Developer
Damn Squirrels.
She knows what's up.
So no officer i did not harass that little girl
... Jesus ***ing Christ
Ov yea right there mrs butter
this isn't even the final boss
stop that
someone somewhere is quite the practical joker
future ahoy!
Well at least he's not wearing socks with sandals
Aleahu Kabar
Hey Clark
Pftttt *opens icognito*
Hate when that happens...
everything makes more sense now.
Last wise words of a dying cancer patient