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Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling

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hit and miss jokes always hit that spot in my ass
Some people just don't listen
Can't argue with that.
y = -x^3
"Residents are still in a state of utter shock"
pinnacle of technology generation and its people
We're all a little fragile
You have ball cancer
"We gonna bust nuts and rap until we die, or until the bird feeder empties, whatever"
me irl
it's like Mos Eisley Cantina
Drinking Alone
Makes me feel classy
But you shouldn't
Unicorns Don't Give Sleigh Rides - by Debbie Dadey
Mitt Romney's sons are the Hardly Boys.
University of North Texas mug
The difference between hugelol and hiddenlol...
Clever girl
wikihow gets it right
LoL in real life
Egyptian improvements
This guy is a ***ing legend
Classical art is full of beauty and emotion
Close enough.
Shrek had also 3 sequels
"Sometimes we even finish each other's—"
We all know what he was smoking
Getting a job in a nutshell
just as i thought
I knew the walls have ears, but this..
I wonder why...
miek y u du dis u maek me cri
Who need A man when you have Amen
console gamer using mouse vs PC gamer using controller
Walter Black
Don't see the downside....
Well thanks for clearing that up, Dan
Los Power Juangers
Playing RPGs
He Could Not
Tragically, he forgot the floor was lava.
Cannibalism on St. Patrick's Day
The Tower Rangers
A good way to dispose of it.
Playing table tennis against my little brother
Greece just declered they want cost of repair from WWII
When all the good sites are blocked
Identical twins
I hope mods arent offendend again
Preach it, Sister!
Pikachu the one in the group that does all the work.
So there you are, you damn ***
The fight was not in vain
A good way to budget early for Xmas
When the teacher doesn't get the homework for which you didn't sleep
usually red
pay debts you fools
breaking the 4th wall
"now let me tell you a horror story"
Things Drake do
I'm gonna come to your house on the back of a horse, with a bunch of villagers carrying torches
You wouldn't download a car.
Why Buzzfeed is the worst
Great plan, Bats !
Maybe he was Hammered
Someone, somewhere, is still making VHS tapes
Take what you got and pray for the best
Well that deescalated quickly
Yeah, like this is the worst thing you could do while drunk...
Trying to fall asleep
Lunch just got awkward
And now you want the double wide trailer AND the pick up! No way!
Some people really hate winter
MC Haw King
Bet he's happy he doesn't eat cows...
1:7 Never forget
typical french reflex
Spongebob in the streets, Spongegar in the sheets
Well, ***.
2. Worldwar
Noneya Beeswax
The cops ain't takin my crops
We appreciate the effort, though.
Insidejob simulator: 1963
Would you post a photo of you in bra :D
its funny cause its true
The Roast of Justin Bieber
watch the trap
>would be funny too watch
Happy St.Patrick's Day
Worth it.
North Korea Best Korea