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HL Discord: - OC Only - gigalol:-752598949
Commenter of the Month

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Watch out in Mexico guys...
When the people ask me for directions
So much to do now when spring finally arrived
Dwight has both keys
Found Waluigi
This needs to be reposted.
Timorous vs reckless children
Just girly things.
We've all stayed here
Goddamn Catwoman
"Carefull, it's my first time"
Important conference call went down in the South Carolina dugout today
Did a little jogging
White girl probs.
The bow tie was a nice touch
mfw console peasant.
They're running out of ideas
Nice try, though
Primary Household Breadwinner
True artists follow no rules
I blame the US government!
How to ask a girl to prom: Get a goat...
Classic SpongeBob
Why would you stop me?
3rd Rock from the Sun - Smoking
That's right... you just keep on playing. Biden's here.
Here fishy fishy
A Transaction for Satisfaction
'Murcia intensifies
Are those contacts!?
why rainbows r curved
so kvlt
I'm so sexy
Severus "Gate Agent" Snape
Old dog fetching a ball
Meanwhile in India
thats how greece solved financial crisis problem
Bought a used car with an alarm system.
Beta as ***
They're heeeeeeere
Seems Legit
Teen snorts grandma's ashes
When I kinda want to do it, but not really.
Classic Jesus
Benjamin Franklin=Stoner
Why don't you ship to Romania ? Do you think we have leprosy or something?
Religious people be like :The bible is the absolute truth, up to the point where I don't agree with
A thought provoking chart. Who knew they were interrelated professions?
Normal business
"Why the hell did you guys come if you're not even gonna watch the games? Shut up already."
It's gotta be a word!
When you think you have to fart but it's a shart and you stop it just in time
Women Vs Men
Open your eyes people, alderaan shot first!
So I've taken a liking to speedrunning games, so pretty much this.
What is your favorite element?
Explains why she's now an Anal Evangelist
Idk will it?
Women's magazines
They say its still burnin
"Damn Billy that burger sure looks good"
Good ol' simpsons
Mother in law asked us over for dinner third time this week
Don't watch this tape
49% hornets is my maximum
Shut Up, Mike.
Welp, hope you guys could relate to this. Because I can't -Jabba the Hutt
Black guy pranking his dad
Respect Gets Respect
Damn Canadians and their Freemium games
Thug Life ┌Пâ”(â—‰_â—‰)┌Пâ”
4chan cookie
most tolerance of all
Oh Amelia, you dumb ***
Guys, we did it
Badass Of The Year
We all know she gonna shoot herself at the end
Something is not right
The solar eclipse from England
The Doggy Debate
Most of us today.
I like that one guy, his name is Dick
Titan is mentally visiting another planet.
When people ask why im so retarded
Big black *** scares a brunette ***
mfw I realize that I'm on an imaginary bike
Me trying to go on a kill streak
What Putin did during his recent 'disappearance'
I hate that I can relate to this
Macfag being dumb
You're doing God's work, Facebook Related Content Algorithm.
When you accidentally type “hood†instead of “goodâ€
And that´s it for the workout this month