Sister welcomes newborn sibling to the family.
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The creation of Pikachu
When the seller tells me that those shades cost 250 bucks
He held it together as long as he could
Survive a Police Encounter
Nice hobby you got there
You step out that door...
1 upvote-1 respect, 5 respect-1 free creampie
That escalated potato
MRW title says: "I'm going to hell for laughing at this"
The teacher asked for a 16 line poem, this is what some kid turned in...
Welcome to Hell
OP finds his sign.
Fanaticism in a nutshell
Dog isn't taking chances
Cuz *** you thats why!
Gay people aren't ***ing ***s!
James May just got rekt!
Don't objectify her....
Thats heaven
Whats on Americas Mind
A wild shaquille grooming one of his shaquillings
The ancient helm of General Dickhead
idk what i did wrong?
When u finish ur mixtape
when you're watching porn in your bed with screen auto-pivot on
What a righteous wingman.
New park and ride system
We've all done it
kids these days...
Payment Options
In the south, some signs become necessary.
With a wrench, no less.
What's up Doc...
Poor people have all your money. Trust me!
Well you don't have to rub it in...
Nerd Level 10+
Our generation is gonna be the weirdest elders...
"I meant she was 18"
What is this even.
pls buy my mixtape
A farmer in Yorkshire.
Drake and cop
What's an orgasm?
She would.
It's time someone stepped up to the plate…
I'll be back.
Worse than ISIS. Much, much worse
The two essential parts of a Nicholas Cage movie.
Fast and Furious Franchise in Chart Form
Dwayne "The Spock" Johnson
When ur mom asks u to go with her to walmart and says she'll buy u doritos
PLOT TWIST: He's blind on all of them.
Love your job.
Mr T and Mr t
This is fine...
Simply could not pass up the opportunity to take this picture.
preach, pastor!
Just some more freaky Florida stuff...
Only real 90's kids will remember this
The original hipster quote, said by Mark Twain
Can't argue with this logic
Maybe hes Australian and the balloon floats upside down
This will always crack me up
Never forget your password for Louis CK's website
Dont Remove, Improve!
Shocking. Beware the fashion police!
Secret capybara off button
Excuse me...
I'm not even mad, that's amazing...
Probably listening to Daquan's mixtape.
We are on to you.
thenks mr skeltal
Proof the internet brings people together
You tried, Google
Mixed emotions.
South Korea plastic surgery be like
Happens to me way too often
You can just buy these signs on Amazon and stick them anywhere
Dammit Jason!
Apply cold water to burned area
The irony is just deafening.
Heading to fat camp?
"I'll be taking that, thank you very much."
When people text the wrong number
Headcanon accepted.
So close, but yet so far
*** Madagascar
No No No No Nooooooo
So burned you'd need a BURN HEAL
Blue screen of death.
Opposite Day