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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Burning my notes at the end of semester
The poor little bug
The internet: Where there is no win.
Water your owl until it blooms
w-would you l-like some rare pepes?
Damn B
Suck a nigga dick for a iPhone 6
The most canadian of the canadians
When I'm supposed to be clean bulking
Every night
Training exercises for some amazing pullout game
10/10 will watch
Side nigga getting salty
When you come back from the hairdresser and it's nothing like you wanted
Heart matters.
fighting online in a nutshell
Every single day!
Mom's be like...
Australian problems
Cops never follow the rules
Hot Dogs are Confusing
"Hey, answer the question!"
America just sweated out all of California's water
Tyrone runs into an old teacher
Man comes across dead hawk on sidewalk
i think this wouldbe an appropriate title
Banks Hate Him!
Tender: Where people meat
dry and not satisfying
Being clean and straight.
Good thing we're all wearing our anti-melee fan boys undergarments
Whoop ur kids white people.
Arguing with facts?
The Learning Curve.
Professional Medical Advice
A Tale of Two Milkmaids
Everything is going great
5 Million Dollars
Rockstar, what the ***?
Ready to go hunting after school
Guy doesn't realize a guy was hitting on him at the gym
Man I wish I could get abs in a week like him...
the man is a pcgamesexual
Not all Heroes wear capes
Best slogan for a caterer that I've ever seen
But wait, there's more!
oh shit 🔥
dude just wants some Mcdanks
So close
You speak the truth, SofÃa Vergara
he could be a perfect indiana jones
The Onion is so perfect sometimes.
Never let this Gif die
How it feels when you try to accomplish one task in The Witcher 3:
Better get that burn heal
Better than the usual $20
It could have been worse...not really
GTA V online
Only white people be doin shit like this
Kind of ironic
He boutta drown
always sad to see a loved one go.....
Julia Louis-Dreyfus on David Letterman's final episode
Walmart steals pets
gee, driver. that fast travel is really fa-- blrblbrrlb
the reason why being vegan just won't cut it
"Shouldn't we remove that?" "Nah, just paint over it."
The paternity test determined..
Hello Kitty is the only account Deadpool follows on Twitter. Your argument is invalid.
but no, not this one
A shit ton of problems...
What a talent
*** get off my lawn
Gotta go old school sometimes
Girls didn't have curves back in the days...
Life rule: Your dad will always walk in in the most awkward moment
Faces of Meth.
When I download more than 80GB of movies all night long
accurate description of russia
nofro bro
Good guy JC Penny's
it wants to do something else for a change...
Growing up can be tough.
Damn ouija board you gotta chill
Batman is on a rampage.
Honey, would you like some cookies to go with that cyanide?
me irl
Definitely Not The Brightest
old news...
Creed is such an underrated character
When your headphones break
God ben, it's 2015
Accidentally unplugged my headphones while listening to my mixtape in the bus
Noticed something familiar in The Witcher 3