watching supernatural all night, I take my dog outside at 1am and he start barking into the darkness

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Accidentally switching my mouse sensitivity to 6000 dpi
Growing up is hard.
Kids are different these days
me irl
4chan gives the best tech support
Lookin like MegaMind out here
“Ahh! Walter, get the bug!†“I am trying, Helen!â€
Still the greatest line and delivery I've ever heard
How girls take pictures at the beach...
Someone's in treble.
Reno 911 never failed me..
Should we have fish for dinner?
Twin Study
Fallout is realistic. Maybe a little too realistic
The Purge has begun
too less ayyy, too much lmaos
Blackhole irl
Disney Envy
If fairytales took place in the present time...
After all this rejection he together with his heart turned to stone
Never Forget
after a long day of browsing dank memes
2spooky4me // me_irl
The sweet days of yore
She gon' learn today
Unwanted modifications
playing guitar hero on expert difficulty
The spoiler on this car.
The big leagues
How to quiet a rowdy crowd with one sentence
In light of recent events
May not count, just thought this comment needed to be here
What will probably happen if this exclusive content dick measuring contest continues
Just trying to help her out
Oh the Horror
In 30 years some hipster will be rocking the Apple Pocket Watch
Me irl minus the gf
"He guards the tomatoes."
Chillin too much
rekt m8
The struggle is real.
Photoshop Tutorials
when you are on skype looking for hot guys and then drone pilot
Oh no, that's not a good sign.
Grizzly Stealth Techniques
Everything is fine, everything is just fine...
Not all Super-heroes wear capes
things you shouldn't say while on acid
Male privileges.
And we pay him to do it. We pay him to kill the people we love.
Why thank you!
White people that smoke
Then and Now
Further proof of Patrick Stewart's immortality
God's plan
Alan Rickman's sophisticated sense of humor
this speaks to me
Feels good dawg
The true food groups
Once again Kotaku' high quality journalism strikes again
Lone wolf strikes again
me irl
Donate now
They're behind me, aren't they?
Why is this so accurate damn
I'll never understand Kanye
Pregnancy according to Bob Ross
Brilliant PBS Ad
"Be it penguins or velociraptors, zookeeping is hard work." -Woodland Park Zoo
Death and Golf
We have a serial killer, these are all over the place
Oh stewardess...
Even the gods will tremble
K/D>pussy smh
Somebody enjoys their job
Amazon Customer Support
notch knows pretty well
Fallout 4 is so colorful!
Job Interview
you can never catch me ***es
possibly me_irl
me irl
Aw Homer, you know your money's no good here.
Fat-shaming Friday
Poor Rwanda
Girls Girls Girls!
I feel bad about myself because I can't afford Tinder plus :(
Poop plug
a perfect match
She'd be great for changing oil
Raptor squad
Why Han And Vader Were Working Together
Lol that's that real paper right there!