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Blerck mertl you no likez? Ney probzy there.
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Hardcore Commenter

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They won't suspect a thing
I could laugh at this GIF all day.
Whenever my wife whispers to me in a public place, "Did you just fart?"
Sums up my vacations.
A Scottish man gives Nicki Minaj a piece of his mind.
Don't f*ck around with super glue.
King of Time
Coming to a theater near you.
Never been able to afford an Apple product and these kids are complaining about theirs
Checking your notes after taking a hard exam.
Whoeveer you are, I salute you
USA, handing out freedom since 1776
Well, f*ck
How my best friend sees me when he borrows money from me.
If you get paralyzed twice, the second one cancels out the first.
Minecraft HD
..and press Enter.
Just like Skyrim
Get that bottle!
Firsta class prank
Ironic that her hoodie has a peace sign
The best movie quote.
Massive fisting [SFW]
Wh dad why!
"Sorry coach"
I loled
After Elections
The Perfect Description of School
Hello My Friend!
Tick-tock, tick-tock...
A musical nature
I'm a tiger! Fear me!
When I'm in the mood for sex and she's not
You thought I was asleep, didn't you?
That epic moment!
Tried so hard, became asian
Who needs pockets when you got boobs
Your argument is invalid
Diz izn't funny
So close
Spy Briefcase
Got the call today! Cancer free!
How a Kalashnikov operates.
Free hugs!
Trophies I earn for f*cking
I do...
Lara Croft Gangnam style in an elevator (GIF)
Story of my life
This Happens Everyday
Best description ever
Not a good idea
He knows whats up...
Meanwhile in a paralleluniverse
Many of these are actually true...
In a parallel universe...
Some of facebook gold
You're doing it right
The only gif you'll need today.
Dumb ass
Perfect placement
Daaaaad stop commenting on my status
Bringing bubble gum to school...
That moment
Food when your high
When your mom asks you if you want nutella!
Tailgaters these days...
Automatic flush when still on the toilet
F*cking someone up...
How I feel whenever my girlfriend is on her period
Every time I walk with change in my pocket...
50 years ago this submarine officer made a decision that effectively prevented WW III from breaking
Like I give a f*ck
Deal With It Motherf*cker
Daredevil Halloween Candy Heist- caught red-handed
Don't piss off that bunny y'all!
Very true
Happens to all of us
Couldn't Resist
Made my day...
"True sh*t"
Deal with it, this cat is 10x cooler than you
You'll sh*t ur pants
They won't walk for a few days...
Winter + Balloon + Water + Food Coloring =
Thank you for making things clear.
Good guy Pepsi