Childhood cancer gets a pretty bad rap, it's nice to see it get some love once in a while

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apply water to burned area
A useful book for your twenties
Burt Macklin and his uncrackable code names
Sikh Sense of Humour
You really got me
At least he's trying...
Tumblr in real life
Are you happy?
Darth Vader
aloha snackbar
A new type of raid? Lets keep this going :P Part 3
Solves that problem.
You'll never catch me!
49th in Education...
Just a nigga with a pocket scale, trying to stay out of jail
Life lessons from Fresh Off the Boat
As a woman in STEM, I've had to explain this many times.
ohh bing
Either way, I heard she's a ***
Bertrand realized that showing people he was immune to pain allowed him to do whatever he wanted
Saw in New Mexico. What are you people doing to yourselves?
Specific Rim
Neil Patrick Harris and Alec Baldwin team up with the Secret Service for the pope's visit
New mousepad
0 to 100
Good one sir
Trying to get through security as an engineer.
Tumblr's dilemma
Closest you're getting to Kate
You can feel the joy in this room.
Basketball shorts
This needs to get out there.
the hardcore gamer
The big one is going on the wall
Super Trump 64
It was a horrible thing to say
Perfect Casting!
Parkinson's disease
Seems all good to me!
Apply holy water to the burned area
PC masterrace jokes are still cool, right guys? Guys?
Twitter notified me that this was getting retweets and favorites
True romance.
What it's like to raise kids.
It's a lamp...
who's this mufugga?
Definitive beard guide for those in need
Congrats, Amy!
Well that is just super-necessary.
Baby's first words
Dammit Jesus!
SCUMBAG CEO looks like one of the Hardly Boys
This Slovakian neck beard is phenomenal.
This is genius
Waking up early...
Mark is always handy with the freebies.
British problems
Outlook not so good
That's right, you do you
Facebook delivered
So true.
Not even Sparknotes could help
The wedding photographer captured a beautiful moment during the ceremony.
Robot cheating at tic-tac-toe
Gotta go fast
Bic uses the same photo to advertise their pens and razors.
Long Live This King
You're Pretty Good.
Take Paternity Test
2 girls were having a Nelson Mandela presentation today.
How to stop a girl from snoring
Is this a yup then?
Please don't miss
Someone tell me he's joking
Growing up is hard
Who needs a graphing calculator when I know someone who barely passed beauty school
Trump Troll Confirmation
"Dude it was awesome, she squirted all over my living room floor"
Family bonding.
tooth fairy
It's not easy being and blue.
Well ***
Rolemodel Satan
Kanye Doesn't look away from Nobody
Anon doesn't know how much is one magma
War Thunder Review
Prepare for liftoff
Ayy Captain
is this real life
Umm. What?
because physics
Real deal