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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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The Simpsons' Hard Truths.
Mac vs. PC
When you 100 % the game and got nothing to live for....
Only in America...or maybe just Missouri.
The accuracy.
So this happened...
"So what made you want to get into robotics?"
The **Real** first rage quit
*** your rules
Brand new drone in the face
first contact
9/11 would play again
African American Horror Story
The Swiss Reaper
How to win 101
Bounce house of fun
J Lo's got a big booty and the hands to work at Gringotts
When you meet new people
rape van wow clever title
found these "bullets"
Well someone's having a great day.
Vader is in play!
Be careful boys. They grow up fast.
Too bad I only know this feeling in stripclubs
In the case of baby Oscar, you are not the father..
Press X for Bullshit
I'm going to drink tea because the water is contaminated.
Apple Juice - Hannibal Buress
Yes this is racist
It's super cute!
Happy Columbus Day everyone.
Sexist, or funny cause it's true? You decide.
lunch money
Porn stars VS Influential figure heads
Hoes thinkin they're special
Local traffic sign getting a little snappy.
Sometimes you lose something in translation
Please, be nice to America!
Swanky digs
The real difference between being white and black.
Tsar of my heart
Proof fire can be made underwater
China, you so sneaky
They are the 2%…
He probably pisses on the seat, too
"Someone drew a picture of this emoji?"
"Sir, we haven't even talked about the Star Spawn yet!"
When you accidentally turn on your front-facing camera
It hurts.
Super Saiyan Goat
How decaf coffee is made
Pocket Bible
What the human heart looks like from each religion.
Forgot the keys
Ahmed pls
Do they always have to *** about something?
Society in 2015 be like
Going to Hell
Good Calcium and Dooting is important
Problem Solver
When a freshmen hangs out with a couple of seniors.
*Tears of freedom intensify*
Are they legal?
Goddamnit David
me irl
Wizard School
Mrw i'm in the wrong gif
Poor Jerom
Infuriating boss fights
Comcast Customer Support tells you how they really feel.
Seems legit to me.
are you not entertained?
That's my fetish
"No worries random stranger, thanks for having me!"
VHS and Chill?
Time to get spooky
Apply some cherry flavored water to that burn
Just got a new selfie stick
Gotta go fast
When your ball gets stuck under your car.
That kind of person
Milk and bears
Florida man
Pro hide and seek
anon avoids crisis
Total looser, Larry !!
Enter If You Dare
At least there is no *** watermark
Some tell the Truth for a Living, Others Lie for a Living
his testing skills are so hot
Ernesto is my spirit animal.
This shit has honestly gone too far