Meth...not even once...poor Logan


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why you little.....
Everybody's gotta respect the lord!
This is the saddest thing I've read all day.
Best face swap ever
Solid life advice
True Love
it's fine, I'll carry it
So that's what he meant when he said promotion....
His teacher called it
Ducks performing some kind of Satanic ritual
Some dickhead was blocking the screen at a lecture today
Rebel scum!
Double Agent.
Yes Luke!!
wait whut?
1 out of every 3 snakes...
1945 keks
Taylor Swift meets a fan with cancer
God provided us with the right size eyes.
Nice suggestion Google
Between Two Ferns is priceless...
The Adventures of Ned Flanders
Ya ya ya
Wasn't even Halloween tho
me irl
Who is Kylo Ren?
Billy's secret
This is how our dog greets us when we get home.
Fallout: National Treasure
Makes perfect sense...
For the night is dark and full of boners
The real MVP
Pizza delivery
They always do
*** you Facebook
You may be a Taliban if..
Married With Children would've never made it today with all the SJWs.
What a time to be alive
just tumblr... again
Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level
Am i too late?
20 minutes into prima nocte and chill
This wolf has seen some sh*t
Savage af
So this is how you guys gone kill me?
penguins sleep more deeply in the afternoon
Finally! It's about freakin' time!
me irl
The patent office
Meanwhile in India...
Local police taking out the competition
Walking through Schnucks when...
Now it's Hillary's turn to get her dick sucked
This guy's been trolling cops since 198B.
Hope they are not going to rape him like indiana jones.
Me irl
High School Grad Quote
Now it all makes sense!
On the topic of pre-ordering
They sure saved that fish from drowning.
The amount of times I've had to correct people on this...
YouTube Sucks
Some high school kids enjoy blowing bubbles
Medieval Sext
What's your final Answer?
The News
.. the show where we get you to FACE! YOUR! FEARS!!
Adobe reader it is!
drop box
Look her in the eyes
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That's why she's called Peach
Stumbled upon this survey today
"Im not stupid"
The old tablecloth trick.
Beautiful, talented women
that awkward moment
Maybe someday
me irl
Me and doc are here
This *** doesn't even have all of her adult teeth
Just put this in your hand and slap her.
Belgian ads be like..
When she keeps asking to go camping
Reality collapsing
IKEA posted this today
Fire Emblems Awakenings true Hero