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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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Even Japanese mannequins party harder than me
***ing casuals
When you need that visa ASAP.
When everybody goes to sleep and you can finally jerk off
Kittins are obsolete
George is "The Man!"
Stupid baby
Accept no substitutes.
Does your dog bite?
Showering with your mom.
How to spot a Serb
*** yo' floor tile.
When you played too many sports in high school
Welcome to slavia
Happy Birthday Marie Curie
When your prof is feeling savage
On the subway
A police cub
***ing potatoes
Hungry aliens
Bill Nye, Do or Die
The only thing we have to fear...
Most brutal thing I've ever seen on the Internet.
That's some deep loserdom
Easy comes, easy goes
The horse won, she just sat on it and whipped it.
And it's officially canon.
The problem with telescopes
No chill
A call to Hispanics.
Checked the reviews for Call of Duty: Black Ops III, was not disappointed.
These hoes ain't loyal
There's two ways to compromise.
Pumpkin Carving
Guess the country
It happens to everyone
After 3 years...
How to fool a Goalkeeper
As an American, watching a hockey game in Canada.
Tumblr in a nutshell
Hot Nudity
Some men just want to want to watch the world learn
Why so expensive?
You sir just lied
How surviving a work week and heading into the weekend looks.
The Simpsons gets it.
If you've ever wondered.
This workout idea is great. Unless you have a really long last name...
Looks good
This needs to happen. Immediately.
Revenge is a dish best served at 0K
Working with ISIS
Remember, remember the 5th of November
The Original Sin
Hitler approved
Fake like you're surprised
One sentance, describing two movies.
Bill about to go Ham on Ken Ham on this next mixtape
The end is nye
He didn't even finch.
Working in IT
How to play Minecraft properly
What it's like going to college
When ur ugly and u r proud
CPU usage in WoT
Maybe I gave bad directions to my dad when I told him where to buy the milk 20 years ago
Son... ಠ_à²
One is a cold, lifeless object that can cause massive hurt, the other one is a bear trap.
Should have said please
You sure you don't have it ?
>be sperm donor
Can not decide this belong to here or hdl
Child predator exposes himself.
This was your father's lightsaber...
Desperate times call for desperate measures
Why'd you have to go there, Carla?
Wow Humiliated.
some OC for you
Boy, Kathleen really gets around
"Don't rape your hand, use this boy instead"
Haha, wait! What?
I've been waiting a whole year and a day for this
1 like= 1 razor
When work gives me new responsibilities
Form a ***ing wall!
You're not doing it right.
I will never understand art.
Meanwhile in Michigan.
savage timmy