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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Mean scientists
Yall niggas hiring?
That's why I never lose 'em
Good movie
Welcome to china
Our eagle > Your eagle
Living in forest be like
From paris with love
The 91%
linda got this
Average Hugelol user
What a Time to be Alive...
The best use of the French flag FB filter I've seen so far.
One minute into "Hamlet and chill" and he gives you this look
From "101 ways to pick up short girls"
Well, he's not wrong
When the weed is too loud
Smile and wave boys, smile and wave
That's a nice assault rifle!
Plants in Bethesda's office
Not knowing the answer on a science test
See not only frenchs surrender
Bill Nye
me irl
it's a small consolation
Fake it if you can't make it
Zombie Battle!
Crows are crows
We all have that friend...
Baby Elephants
They did the math
The real black gold.
It really was
Thats how it was done back in the day
Everyone on my facebook right now..
*** yeah
There is no app for this.
To those making a fuss that Paris is getting more attention than other attacks
After yesterday
The pun jar is about to explode
Girls On Tinder
Dark Souls boss fight
Titles are a symptom of the patriarchy
Chat so lit
That's not the French flag.
Omelette Du Fromage
Who needs porn when you have Fallout?
Never kick a ball from ACME
The power of social media.
That feeling when you find the perfect fit.
That's right, ISIS, we have Facebook!
more shame to his family
Need new shoes? Why not Zoidberg?
Anon can't control his farts
I'm still getting paid tho?
Clear your schedules for Saturday!
Kid's Cooking
yeah Naan bread
Trust your instincts!
me, when Pokémon Go comes out
How else would I spend my friday night?
Be this guy
C'mon Ultron tell us!
so he's real
An Australian wine company's ad - "Some say you can almost taste the bush."
That's the same thing
do you?
"I'm sure you're wondering why I gathered you all here today"
Has fallout gone too far?
Fallout 4 logs can be pretty hilarious
the joys of childhood
He's such a smart man
Asking the right questions
jimmy noooo
What a time to be alive!
360 quickdoot
A guide to programming languages
One way to shut up an annoying reporter
Shot Fired
Checkmate, bullies.
would die for one of those
History lesson time, Ben
This is why SeaWorld needs to go!
Fallout 4? ill have to play tha...
I'll just put a happy little Bob right here!
Pow pow
One reason to not name your cat Johnny
The U.S lately.
You're know you are a hot looking guy when...
The look of regret