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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Who's your favorite Star Wars character?
Some Shower Thoughts from Cookie Moster
Ice Cube joined ISIS
Yusuf, philosopy is haram!
Sailor Moon dad jokes
You're a 10?
Quick thinking by Paper Peach
They're independent
Truly a seasoned veteran.
Men's humor
The difference between The Simpsons and South Park
Superman lost his powers.
Harrison Ford, everybody
They're pretty great people
The other lever!
The results came back in Aladeen
there be dynos in them hills
Tennis meme
So what do you say, fellas?
What it's like working in retail
People these days
15/30/60 FPS comparison in a very ELI5 way
Health Class lied
Bublé is Coming.
Life gave Charlie Sheen lemons...
Car problems
The real MVP
Average day as a programmer
What kind of porn do this guy have that he needed to hide it more than vampira porn?
A very good question.
Ask your mum...
Now everyone will know
When attention whoring fails
Movie still sucks tho
Star Wars: Mexico
Why walruses shouldn't bow
Blending in.
When you shower your dog.
Things only 90s kids will understand
Some people are born with a gift.
It's Time.
breaking the fourth wall
Where do babies come from?
Always support artists
They grow up so fast :')
No ***ing shit
something smells fishy
House Explained
Just complimenting her titties..
Social Justice
Hopefully buzzfeed will see this.
Escher really stepped in it this time.
God bless you, soldier
living the life
The Locket
When the acid hits you and you lose the white rabbit
Me irl
This lady's sign at the Vancouver Climate Change Rally.
I came prepared
It's a bit hot in Australia today
The internet as of late
How to relieve stress
evolution vs intelligent design
apu's revenge
That's some nasty sh*t right there
Advertising in Kasakhstan. Hats for the whole family
Straight A's, Dull Days
Trolling level: 1000
It's just a misunderstanding
The Squares
Sure I'll paint your ceiling
Howd he get his dick power to 71?? mines still at like 20
Cereal *advertisement
To all you hunters who kill animals for food - shame on you!
The Allahu Snackbar
Natural enemies
Feminist world
Allah best girl
Crusading is my pussy
It's go time!
Me tbh
me irl
When the acid kicks while high af
When the drugs kick in and then you're shying away
*burning jews internally*
first day at a new job
Can you feel the burn?
steampunk origins.
Classic magic trick
Tumblr's Dilemma
Toronto Police