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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Our hero
Speaking of stupid
Supreme leader Snoop
He is so perfect
Good old Adventure ti...
Left 4 Dead: Teamplay in a nutshell
U never call me on my border
Pretty sure that's ham.
Relationship Advice
Only baffling question I've ever come across on Facebook
So obvious
he will be resurrected
Loyalty is they key
Not to mention loyal asf
You know what's next
He must get triggered a lot
EU vs USA. common sens need no apply
pretty much...
Typical Christmas joke
Could it be possible?
beware what you post
Still hit her with a "wyd" when you wake up tho
Not my proudest fap
Merry Christmas!
Waiting Room Vandal Strikes Again
am i late to the badwagon?
oh no
Be Loyal
1 like = 1000 prayers
Watch out guys, we got a badass over here.
Trump ain't no normal person
Spinning like a good pair of chrome rims
Our Hero
that's some fine loyalty
Rob delivered
No more spiderman
spinning all the way
May the spin be with you
Loyalty is contagious
The Ubisoft urges
Steve Harvey just tweeted this
Dat ho Mary be cuffin round town
Merry Christmas, Bill
I'm sorry you saw me, Timmy.
Darth Vult!
keep spinning
Best character in the whole movie
Spin to win
Found this gold on facebook.
He didn't believe in reincarnation last time either
Bootleg Muslims!
Creepy *** even has a sword
Star Wars Bro
Christmas Sales
Getting Hit On
Not trying to tell y'all how to worship, but...
Tomorrow, he opens his time capsule
How you coming along with the bilbos?
IT people
Dont Force It
That sort of shot is too precise for sand people
me irl
The most American response to the most American door mat
Sideshow Bob has gotten into the trucking business
When Miss Philippines gets that's actually her...
When Steve Harvey finally gets that's actually Miss Philippines...
Pretty accurate
Because f*ck you! would also be acceptable
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
Dog has been places
Christmas in Canada is difficult sometimes
In case it's a bomb.
Joseph wasn't convinced
Literally the greatest headline USA Today will ever write:
The force is strong with this one.
3000 points to Gryffindor
Make your daddies proud
even with lower expectations Tinder is disappointing
We all need a Miss Bulgaria in our lives!
The innocence is gone there is no turning back
I'll just leave this here
Medical Facts
Don't you hate it when you forget someone's name
Bad pirates
When you're walking in the park and an animal has a side quest for you.
Sorry Toad
Imagine this at the Oscars
What Miss USA whispered to Miss Philippines
Snitchin was never an option.
A grammatically correct Christmas Carol
Wishlist to Santa