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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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It's not easy
the not so successful Pixar movie
Prime example of why proper punctuation is so important.
Some precious information
How much dank is too much?
New Bethesda game announced
No wonder it takes so long for each book, can't even keep track of what he writes.
Google is amazing!
When she says she wants you to meet her parents
At least they don't vape.
Asking yourself the real questions
Sorry I don't speak weeb
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Learning photoshop
Nailed it
Rifle Terrier.
I hate Summer
How Scotland must be feeling right about now
PInky the cat
Evil genius.
Look at my baby/pet/dildo collection hurr durr
Pulp Compression
When they don't know how to wake you up inside
It can't be stopped...
My memes are ironic, my depression is chronic.
It's simple, we send the black man.
UK is confused
Pretty much everything is going on the front page today, so here's a picture I took when I got board.
Calls for referendum redo be like...
How my lesbian friend explained it to me
This has to change now.
Things you just keep losing
Can't place the building here
I wanted to be hardcore but Mum didn't let me :(
Maybe they should split into GreatBritain and HiddenBritain
Such handsome bro now.
The books have spoken
am i dank yet guys?
The time has come
I just found £8 down the back of my sofa!
Jesus take the wheel
Brace yourself
AH! classic!
good memes never die
Rifleman all the way
[Cries in Bolshevist]
UK's referendum
Peter Danklage
You gotta love the historic irony
Adam PLS!
As a Brit, I'll give you all an insider's look at the mindset of the British People
We're here for you dad...
Come on then! What are you waiting for?
Bloody hell m8
Live feed from the Channel Tunnel
Might as well join in the shitposting
Insert clever title here
Breaking: Prime Minister David Cameron replaced by cat.
The foot is on the other hand now
socialism is like herpes, you never really get rid of it
Best gameplay experience i've ever had
Time to get off the sinking island
Meanwhile in the UK
When your son comes home drunk for the first time
He's also a Bieber fan
Asta la Visa, baby.
dis ain't evn my final dank form xdxdDxDd
Ya'll know where this is going
Oh, how I love this show
Me, as a French, regarding the brexit results
За Родину! За Сталина!
Time to leave
no Nintendo
That's not my cup of tea
How American people shower.
African American Studies
old but gold
Iceland's commentator became a goat.
With all the gender shit going on
spicy maymay
*swings thunderbolt* *laughs cloudly*
when your grandma is oldschool
Me IRL after I ordered something online
this gran is on faiaaa
Official logo Rio Olyimpics 2016
Coping mechanisms
That's my gender
problems in 2025
Anything's possible when it comes to handegg
All hail the king!
Did anyone else read the words in different voices in their head or is that just me
GoT SPOILER ALERT (with sound)