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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Witty Title
A Jack of all trades indeed
I bet on the damn sandle
Hitting front after 5 years of deleated memes
How embarrassing
Well *** me
The way life is with my luck
How To Tame Animals
That one's definitely on my drunk-as-***-, i-don't-give-a-shit or bucket-list ;)
Absolutely radical
***ing Cartwrights
Hugelol's favourite game
The ideal of Harambe is almost as strong as the ideal of communism
Get Marx'ed
HL admins as kids
Amy Schumer's 'comedy'
That's not weird
KatMan360 becomes Alpha
Flawless Plan
the end of racism!
Ron Swanson, son.
OP's childhood
This one needs feminism for something extremely irrational.
When someone insults you on the internet
Where does she find the time for all of her activities?
When the world needed him the most, he disappeared.
People are forgetting about their cult leader...
4 my fav weeb
Hale Hortler
Relatable af
Mm that neck fat
Penny In A Glass Of Coke
You never know when is going to come thru that door
2016's most heated debate
The Kitchen Gun Buy Now in Your Local Store
These never get old
10/10 OC. 11/10 Photoshop.
so long, suckas
And they say Watch Dogs was a bad game
Your problem now bro
When you upvote a year old post you found in random
k den
Rainforest is the perfect place for shade
memes = life
His face says it all...
When ur dumb asf
Doin' good, thanx!
I bet Jesus is OP
Too good for this town
Anon is a lice expert
Even more painfull than Harambes Death
Webdev in a nutshell
Exactly as i remember it
Hey Laura, tell us how you lost your virginity.
Twit plost
Time to Bolt!
Results of the formula: iT'5 = (ju5† - 4)* Pr4*nK + Br0
Check the comments
Teh Lurd Of Teh Reigns
I'm up for everything at this point
Auctioners hate him
soft-shell jacket trollolololol
I'm now a belieber 100%
you never know
You never know what is going to come through that door...
Awww !!!yes finally a shower that works with my broken neck
Special delivery to each and every weeb lurker in here
Anon cures fetish.
I mean, like nothing happened for the past 70 years, did it?
"...ah you know what? shes fine." *click*
100th post is spookiest post
Spiders are not gay.
The true face of racism
The religion of autism
timmy you ***
All excellent superpowers
Such a nice turn of events
When you piss off an artist
After 21 years, you never know what is gonna come through that door
*Loss of chromosomes ensues*
Camera Man nailed it
Joining the bandwagon
No vital organs were hit.
Beats so hard,minorities get destroyed
Because Tumblr feminists do literally get offended at anything and everything...
Totally worth 60 dollars
Be free my child
Anon is a madman
Get this Mystic propaganda bullshit out of here...