You think the kennel is your ally? You merely adopted the kennel. I was born in it, molded by it.

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I want a divorce
Dude, this guy in front of me is the WORST.
Roses are red, my grades are slacking...
the memes are waiting at home
The Techno Union
Back to the future: Slav
This is why you pay your website guys
"So, What are you good at?"
Billboard for local gym just got an update.
In honor of women's day I present the biggest freedom of being a man.
The Ark of the Condiments
Jamescnj1's cat also has Stalin mustache
PDF is the most popular religion
I should probably check on my bartender
"We don't care... *** you."
Types of people at the beach.
Does he look like the brother you once were, Anakin?
Sharing cookies on the Internet
A small moral dilemma I came across today
I'm not good at titles either
Mom gave me this amazing card for my bday
Oh my god just post the video next time.
Making a difference :)
Железный гигант здесь сучка
No step on snek
My parents are at a casino that has a promotion going on where you win a free pasta dinner if you get a 4 of a Kind. This was their free pasta dinner.
But is his penis feminin?
Freaking Tobias Kills Me Every Time
The many ways Americans use Nutella.
This OkCupid pic is way too real
Imagine studying journalism for 3 years and then writing this article
XBOX is savage
What a time to be alive
10 Minutes later.... HAHAHAHAHAHAH
He's gonna need 20 ccs of thoughts and prayers.
Walk across at your own risk.
even better :^)
Teen logic....
Was skyping with the gf when the Hedgehog saluted me
The 12 year old in me laughs uncontrollably when I read this book to my son
Night out---> Moring after
keep expanding
How drunk girls look at 3 am waiting for their carne asada fries.
Best Job Wanted Ad Ever?
Unlike YALL, I get my news from a reliable source
New Black Metal Band Name
A new element has been discovered!
Running gag
It's a bit old, but I hope it still checks out
I can't even remember how old I am.
good game
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
To protect and serve alcohol.
Sad Truths About Mythical Creatures
I saw a familiar face today on the side of a bus. Couldn't stop laughing.
This picture makes me incredibly happy.
haha stupid
Cheeky Japanesy
Well, it seems you've discovered our secret. How unfortunate for you...
The sole reason HL is still running
Snap back to reality...
Patrick Stewart talks about his manhood...
James Cameron is hilarious.
fill in the blank
That didn't seem to work...
Happy women's day
I was bored during class and painted along with Bob Ross using MS paint.
meanwhile in Venice
Butthole Tickler Caught?
The attack of the clones
Meeting with my therapist
Because regular bikes aren't already foot powered
He's the hero Gotham needs right meow.
Just your average sh*tpost
The Shatner Comma.....
Morty's first squeak toy. It's a pig. He thinks we hurt it when squeezing it, so he's been protecting it for the last 45 mins.
ravioli, ravioli end my life so i wont feel lonely :')
I'll take "Intentional Mistranslations" for 800, Trebek
So uncivilized
Hold my grape juice
*Angery reacts only*
How to speak fluent Italian .
hey look it's me !!!
zZzZz just 5 more minutes
This is a terrible idea, who thought this would be good?
When u can't play with legos anymore
Music cape
***ing furries
Human Reproductive System
Colonel Volgin knows how to cook 'em
This is what happens when you let your boyfriend take the cat to the groomer.
another good song from not so way back.