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If I had to take hell, I would use the Australians to take it and the New Zealanders to hold it.
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True Canadian
not meaning to be disrespectful, but I was just wondering...
Thing that make you go hmmm?
Dammit Marissa, this is the third time now.
80 sushis
name this post I'm lost you have 30min
Brings back memories of sugar induced spurts of violence and emotion
Reason #236 I don't like the subway
The shape of Maryland makes for a shitty cutting board.
Let the darkness flow through you!
Remember to update your Facebook settings!
Canadian citizenship test
Pornhub coming up big with the homework help
Somehow got the pic as this little guy lunged for my face.
Only in Israel
Wisconsin in a nutshell
We've got a real bad deer problem around these parts
Difference between a Kia and a Nokia
The warning on this bucket leads me to believe this is a recurring problem.
Spoiler alert, It doesn't seem to work.
There are two types of horses
Sometimes Siri hurts
; - ;
"A wild Diglett appears"
Son was being a dick at the doctors
I had to turn on the viral posts on to do this
He's had enough of non-bourgeois scum trying to convert the school into communism
no way
Looks like 90 degree weather.....
Younglings aren't the only thing Anakin is destroying
>implying I'm not taking you to the raveyard to sacrifice to Nito
Already A Year Into My Heist
did i hear nazi?
Tried to use the snapchat filters on my cat, now she just looks like an accountant from the 70's.
Poor Jerry misses out on the fun
We did it boys! Congrats for surviving my last push to the top 100k
Complete with a white glaze.
mr burns knows it
Almost got jumped last night...
This spice chart at an Indonesian restaurant
Just a reminder that this image exists...
Work facilities budget cuts
rip mistake
title in comments (too long -,-)
Why im not gay
Euro Truck Simulator is better
Sent my bf a picture of our cat sleeping, got this one back
Notice me WhiteBones-san !
Rest in pepperoni
All burgers are beautiful.
What the *** are you laughing at?
The giraffe finally had her baby!
This man has been fall-down drunk, beaten with baseball bats, and crawled out of a rolled-over truck, and he has Never. Spilled. A drop.
Introverts Unite!
The 5 stages of getting a new job
"Pour with confidence"
The Bob's Burgers's kids make my day
Much respect for this unknown Canadian veteran who volunteered and served in The Civil War, WW 1, WW 2 and the Vietnam War
Suddenly all of the Thalmor wanna be my friends
*Sad reacts only*
Llllllllllllllllike a glove!
My school installed a new beamer. I nominate them for 'Best engineering 2017'
You think the kennel is your ally? You merely adopted the kennel. I was born in it, molded by it.
I want a divorce
Dude, this guy in front of me is the WORST.
Roses are red, my grades are slacking...
the memes are waiting at home
The Techno Union
Back to the future: Slav
This is why you pay your website guys
"So, What are you good at?"
Billboard for local gym just got an update.
In honor of women's day I present the biggest freedom of being a man.
The Ark of the Condiments
Jamescnj1's cat also has Stalin mustache
PDF is the most popular religion
I should probably check on my bartender
"We don't care... *** you."
Types of people at the beach.
Does he look like the brother you once were, Anakin?
Sharing cookies on the Internet
A small moral dilemma I came across today
I'm not good at titles either
Mom gave me this amazing card for my bday
Oh my god just post the video next time.
Making a difference :)
Железный гигант здесь сучка
No step on snek
My parents are at a casino that has a promotion going on where you win a free pasta dinner if you get a 4 of a Kind. This was their free pasta dinner.
But is his penis feminin?
Freaking Tobias Kills Me Every Time
The many ways Americans use Nutella.
This OkCupid pic is way too real
Imagine studying journalism for 3 years and then writing this article
XBOX is savage
What a time to be alive