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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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HAHA it was me!
Anon is a farmer.
Communism only works if you share alcohol
My fiancée left me in charge of the registry...
St. Petersburg last night. Giant robot is just a tower
I think next time i'll bath the dog AFTER mowing the lawn...
It's not working.
You messed with the wrong penguin mother***er
Record Cold Temps in Miami
The 2017 Blizzard kinda looks like a pissed off whale.
Kids Limbo Stick
I saw this on Facebook
Not fun at all.
Do Not Enter
My friends parents moved recently and forgot their cat. Their old neighbor picked it up the other day and sent us this.
The Elvis Call Centre
Not a good sign
Samsung's Newest Microwave
Take me first
Accidental capitalism
Rudest man
1960s vs. Today
Many Italians never got over the war
Caution: Wet Floor.
Damn! If he hadn't done that he'd have a broken neck!
My coworker finds interesting ways to sleep on night shift in the hospital.
Guys have it harder ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why commas are important
decolourized for dramatic effect
My wife trying to open a can of tuna with a Swiss Army knife
100% Right !!
Worst Ad Placement Ever
The desperate bird on a friday night
A letter I got from a kid when I was deployed to Afghanistan.
Hit it and quit it? More like...
The Grohlden Girls
Such a tragedy
Please take your BIG POO elsewhere.
For when you're failing your classes and need to make a quick deal with the devil before finals...
This stock photo of bullying.
Anon is a fatass.
Partied too hard...
Where does Sean Connery like to gamble?
Better graphic mod
Abandon thread
I might have found the happiest McDonalds employee in the world.
Because they are easily intimidated
The dumps just keep on comin'
Man Doesn't Understand Cereal Bars
You aint getting nothin
Even scarier than Halloween town
Sat next to a man who was very much still a kid inside
Where there is a will, there's a way
Real life...
Um, phrasing?
Who's right?
When the boss is out of office
3 what?
"Do you have any bird houses I could have sex with?"
Start the attack
Photobombed and I was oh-so cool about it.
Dr. Seuss Understands Me
One move and I'll blow your damn head off !
One of those days...
Michael’s quick guide to get ebola...
The master of pill passing and catheters for everyone.
Those mantits tho
Cant SQL now because Revolution
A second man polled, however, disagreed.
Life Before Smartphones
Kim Kardashian, circa 2055.
dont mind me
It's my spirit animal!!!
Sunny day
When u a hugeloler but still have a sense of humor
idk why it says 21
And use it to be beneficial to humanit... shitpost
When you introduce the local kids to Hiddenlol
When someone touches your neck
Meanwhile in Turkey
gonna delet ur existence
When you succ a feminine dicc for the first time
Billy Joel looks like Darth Vader dying.
Not gonna lie, that gave me an honest spook
it doesn't really matter if he finds me tho
The sign in this bathroom
I've missed these
Flavortown Municipal
You will never eat chicken nuggets the same way again after seeing this
He tried to bite the cactus
Caught in the act?
I've got my thinking cat on.