Step 1: Show the fire your sweet new blanket. Step 2: Make the fire even more jealous.

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If jack was american
omelette du fromage
*sad music*
Your clbarrr idzz sblobbery
Wow.. . that is pretty savage
A classical HL'ers favorite playlist
It's beautiful... (source in comments)
"Blegh, that's disgusting.....better try it one more time though, just in case."
Only in Tennessee
Top 10 anime betrayals
Lost in the sauce
Ankit is the realest in the room
Braille To The Rescue
Get out of my swamp!
That's not how that works at all.
It's the thought that counts, right?
I admitted to my boyfriend that I had recently found out that my great grandpa was an SS officer and he said he wouldn't hold it against me. This morning he made me breakfast...
It's a trap!
What does it even stand for?! LLLLLLLL
That's sure
Never bring a knife to a gun fight
Clifford is ruthless
Becoming an adult.
Meeting a new friend
This tastes like...
Thanks for the laugh Best Buy
Its 45 Degrees out, but I still managed to make some Snow Angles
Are they off to Rio?
Too edgy?
Since i was lurking might as well show you why
Everyone in the north east right now
Still the best dodger!
Its the eye of the tiger
Cyclists in Perth Cycle 200km to Draw Goat
I can hear the customer service reps from my desk at work and I've decided to to make wallpapers with some of their quotes. Here's the first one.
Chip aisle at my local supermarket
Ah dear sir, I do believe that I have shat in my pantaloons
When you start paying your own energy bill.
So this actually exists...
How to catch autonomous cars.
Well, I know what I'm going do to my boss' Keurig...
So this popped up in my newsfeed...
burn bridges, not lights
When someone beats you in a video game
we all knew him
And the keyboard's burning!
Still snowing from yesterday's blizzard. Hope Mother Nature gets the message.
shitpost #3
Amazon, always true to our needs
Unclear instructions
Open the pod bay doors Michael!!!
Let them dislikes come
Okay, Christians. If God knows everything, then ask him the answer to this.
Idk if this has been done before
Insert image of guy with glowing brain
Anon's autism gives him a premonition
Jeremy Clarkson murders Big Willy
when you just ***ing love blowling
Whenever i stumble on a minor inconvenience
Punched lasagne
Quack, Quack, want some Quack?
Oh poor Shia there is only one way out of this now
When it rains in Australia...
When your Gf send you an update on the people working on your house.
Radical, man
It's the plot for a new Rom-Com
Bamboozled, yet again
Glorious German Engineering.
My child was asked what she would look like at 100 years old
The pigeons was crowding this horses bucket, so he tipped out some feed for them.....adorable
Baked Potato Cosplay
Poor newspaper titling
steph curry my ass
Duck you, I won't do what you tell me.
Delivery bork
A 2017 kind of photo from my sister's wedding
When my dad won the game for millenials.
I like this little girl
A car recently crashed through the front of a movie theater near where I live. This is the sign they posted.
perfect meme for the perfect weeb
Anon gives us a lesson on normalised memetics
Found while driving through a back road in Missouri
Friends uncut
the dilemma of a hugeloler...
/b/tard asks a question
my dad was told to "dress appropriately" for his team meeting in the Churchill War Rooms
True heroes are come in many shapes and sizes
Her backhand is deadly