Jerry, you lucky ***. Gotta be the best job on the planet.

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It's because he's German..
Chipmunk and Tweety
My friend works at petsmart as and this is the face the dog makes after shitting in its room
The couple we all should aspire to be
Mammmma mia
Check surroundings for safety.
Dave Wants His Money
Trump's advisors will read this soon enough
This is what happens when you assume genders
My reaction after logging into Hugelol today
put your hands above your head
You know you are
When a Billionaire lost a bet
Technically a meme poster is a social justice thief
Pakistan's Women Empowerment Strategy
This is what our world amounts to
"Ehhhh, what are ya, a wiseguy?"
Oh fuc*.......
We'll have to get that one at some point
Doggo still sleepin where he used to fit as pupper
How to live your life
How real men bowl
Welcome to Thursday!
Meming every day
Leaked image of Belle's offspring in Beauty and the Beast 2.
How to make an elephant using only your cat
Kitty gets a spook
When my dog is in trouble, he goes to a corner and faces the wall. Funny thing is I didn't teach him this, he's done it since we brought him home; and it's hysterical.
The phases of a period
Cop interrupting a group chat.
I hope this isn't considered porn...
ultimate prank movie
Someone has waited their whole life to write this story
stop it already
I know he's around here somewhere
congratulations, you played yourself
when you realize katman-san might not deliver
When you just want to see the world burn
got em
"OH, Dear... Honey. I think they're about to blow up the plane. God help us.
It sure will.
Neighbor's dog likes spending his time sitting inside a barrel
Sup hoe
See enclosed HD
Got the house to myself
Cookie Shop Glitch In The Matrix
Hugeloler (ca. 2027) celebrating the arrival of Katmans "Anime Tiddies" shirt
Step 1: Show the fire your sweet new blanket. Step 2: Make the fire even more jealous.
If jack was american
omelette du fromage
*sad music*
Your clbarrr idzz sblobbery
Wow.. . that is pretty savage
A classical HL'ers favorite playlist
It's beautiful... (source in comments)
"Blegh, that's disgusting.....better try it one more time though, just in case."
Only in Tennessee
Top 10 anime betrayals
Lost in the sauce
Ankit is the realest in the room
Braille To The Rescue
Get out of my swamp!
That's not how that works at all.
It's the thought that counts, right?
I admitted to my boyfriend that I had recently found out that my great grandpa was an SS officer and he said he wouldn't hold it against me. This morning he made me breakfast...
It's a trap!
What does it even stand for?! LLLLLLLL
That's sure
Never bring a knife to a gun fight
Clifford is ruthless
Becoming an adult.
Meeting a new friend
This tastes like...
Thanks for the laugh Best Buy
Its 45 Degrees out, but I still managed to make some Snow Angles
Are they off to Rio?
Too edgy?
Since i was lurking might as well show you why
Everyone in the north east right now
Still the best dodger!
Its the eye of the tiger
Cyclists in Perth Cycle 200km to Draw Goat
I can hear the customer service reps from my desk at work and I've decided to to make wallpapers with some of their quotes. Here's the first one.
Chip aisle at my local supermarket
Ah dear sir, I do believe that I have shat in my pantaloons
When you start paying your own energy bill.
So this actually exists...
How to catch autonomous cars.