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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club
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I told my husband that when he gets tired his eyes turn into eye vaginas, he didn't believe me so I took a pic and rotated it
Feeding the 5000 in 2017
Chris Pratt
This sums up a lot of conversations I have with my girlfriend
anon becomes a wizard
Just in case you Vietnamese food RIGHT NOW!
My friend found this in her neighborhood today
Someone rearranged the "World Book" encyclopedia at my high school
Heard weird noises from downstairs
The fudge man came up with an option for people who asked for dairy/ sugar free fudge
My two older children were trying to lay out all of their Pokémon cards, but the youngest kept intervening, so they duct taped him to a chair.
Whoever did this gave me a heart attack
2014 was a simpler time
Nope, I most certainly will not.
MFW whitebones hasnt posted in a week
how to make good titles
stop this madness
Cancer in its purest form.
bamboozled !
You must place all trash in receptacle or it will not be picked up
first disaster - being born
And I thought my friends would do anything for me...
Lays has officially came up with a way to sell more air in their chip bags by making air filled chips. And I fell for it.
he's the reason why we won't get girlfriends
Don't worry guys, he's got this.
*** my life (or death in this case)
toasted squidballs
Did someone say bomb?
Australia = shithole country .-.
The Underfrasier
Are you sure that's why?
This is what happens when they are quiet. So true...
시작 코드 *1234*
There are two kinds of people in the world
My friend's corgi ate pumpkin seeds, pooped them out, and they started growing. Here she is sitting next to her work.
also available for hugelolers who want to choke themselves
Found this in the bathroom at the shooting range.
"Stop that shitposting, I mean it!"
Dreams really do come true at Disney world
The one arcade game I could never beat
Even in here, Stormtrooper still misses!
Only in China would they name an eyewear company "Helen Keller".
There she is
New Pepsi Ad
When you high af and you tryna tie your shoe
Saw this in a parking lot... Couldn't help but laugh.
On my coworkers car, made my day
checkmate, disney
*clever title*
Living the dream
Gotta love those Amazon warehouse robots. Ordered bubble wrap. Came packaged in bubble wrap.
waddle on to the afterlife
Best friends for lyf
Chopsticks that are also a fork, in case you're not feeling too confident.
A fine *** indeed!
Glad they clarified what AF stands for
My 4-year-old son made a mousetrap.
Lets get real
Half price movie
Getting a job: 1970's vs. today
help needed
He lays there so that I cannot leave without him knowing.
I'll have crippling osteoporosis, crippling depression and crippling debt
Don't mention it
When you did something wrong and tried to hide
Never try to test someone like that, It ends badly.
A Father-Son Moment
When crowd surfing goes wrong
Apply cold water to your girlfriend's face
Ok. - Rammus, 2009
Fortunately autism is not inheritable
we've all come to this point
Remember kids, it's ok to like Jojo, but not too much!
Trump finally acknowledging 4chan´s efforts
even better than the original post
im not throwing away my virginity over something as silly as sex!
My daughter refused to pick up her toys so I threw away her floor
Know the difference, it might save your job... uhh i mean life.
Thanks man!
This is how you support a marathon
Longer Larger ...
Super Sleuth
Good O'l Days
This response to a question about cards against humanity
Foolish Jedi, Count Dooku is the ultimate warrior.
Piglet Gives Directions
Shadow Puppet Theater
This Line Painting Vehicle Knows What's Up
Helpful Advice
The safe word is "404".
Seize the means of animation
Amazing medical advances!