People tell me and my wife all the time that we are going to die alone because we didn't have kids. I'm always like!

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Was it high? Was it low? Where the hell did that one go?
Schrodinger's Sugar
That time I faceswapped with a Botero
my cat has a major case of resting *** face
Gonna be handing these out like hell. . .
Pre-Gang bang!
This just needs to be seen more
Saw this at a gas station in Alabama
To be blunt, this is FAR larger of a problem than "Manspreading"
Sire bites-a-lot
My wife sent me this
This guy deserve a PhD in marketing
Wierd ass dolphin
Autistic screeching intensifies
Here's some Shrekposting
Saw this on the way home from work this morning.
My dad just got a PS4. Came back to find my dad had regressed into a child..
Structure of ass
He thought he'd make it to the end before the bridge fully opened
So my philosophy prof. just sent out an email...
Read the comments
The ancient ruin of the lost land
Types of knives
Finding Nemo's hidden message
A meme can't be dead if people still find it funny
Attaboy, Larry
relatable content
Allow me to contribute to the shaming of a culturally dominant racial group
How to confuse a vegan
Mother's Day is almost here, don't forget where you came from!
ahh my boy Unregistered HyperCam 2
The college camouflage
Romantic Era 1800-1850
secret girlfriend
5 kg
King of with it.
Too bad the only user that knows that is banned
Hi. I’d Like to Add you to My Professional Network on LinkedIn.
Step 1: Be Attractive
Dude's got a point
The worst Wendy's. . .
01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111
Street Art in Korea is very accurate. . .
Ugly people's main Tindr pic be like —
How times have changed.
Breaking the space time continuum
Roaches gonna roach
Dancin to the beat
Toads are great at critical thinking
Savage Basketball Player
The moment you realize he wasnt high, or on ground...
Nice try, random Icelandic bar.
Weebs suck
Bought a new MacBook Pro, decided to put my decal on right away. I'm an idiot.
Hey, you wanna do some cleaning?
My kids just set the new bar for laziness.
Living meme Joe
Lurker of 4 years
Happy 10k Karma to me... Happy 10k to me... And more shitposting for all of you!
*autistic screeching*
they're collectibles
Things where easier back then
ayyy we haven't had a tumblr like this in quite a while, have we?
no, no, i wanna sell dognuts
When lurkers find new juicy memes, but can't post them because they won't be lurkers anymore
Well done, Adidas...
Wait.... What??
Man, I was really looking for some Stuff instead...
How long?
I always thought they looked similar.
not a problem for hugelolers
Crazy fly
Don't be a p*ssy grandma
Alfred Hitch*** humour
Women are so hard to read...
Uneeka White
Spotted in Texas
Grown up problems are weird
What kind of hummingbird is this?
M'lady, are you possibly interested in...
All modern female celebrity fashion was inspired by System of a Down guitarist Daron Malakian back in 1998
Don't just stand there! bust a move!
Late entry in the "worst PR" contest...
I think I'm gonna stick to the fruit flavors.
When you can't skip an ad on youtube.
When your baby is born a Sith
When being cool didn't go the way you expected it to...
This isn't even my final form
Japanese fashion
Murica fuk yaaahhh
Look who's taking the picture