The moment you realize he wasnt high, or on ground...
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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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Nice try, random Icelandic bar.
Weebs suck
Bought a new MacBook Pro, decided to put my decal on right away. I'm an idiot.
Hey, you wanna do some cleaning?
My kids just set the new bar for laziness.
Living meme Joe
Lurker of 4 years
Happy 10k Karma to me... Happy 10k to me... And more shitposting for all of you!
*autistic screeching*
they're collectibles
Things where easier back then
ayyy we haven't had a tumblr like this in quite a while, have we?
no, no, i wanna sell dognuts
When lurkers find new juicy memes, but can't post them because they won't be lurkers anymore
Well done, Adidas...
Wait.... What??
Man, I was really looking for some Stuff instead...
How long?
I always thought they looked similar.
not a problem for hugelolers
Crazy fly
Don't be a p*ssy grandma
Alfred Hitch*** humour
Women are so hard to read...
Uneeka White
Spotted in Texas
Grown up problems are weird
What kind of hummingbird is this?
M'lady, are you possibly interested in...
All modern female celebrity fashion was inspired by System of a Down guitarist Daron Malakian back in 1998
Don't just stand there! bust a move!
Late entry in the "worst PR" contest...
I think I'm gonna stick to the fruit flavors.
When you can't skip an ad on youtube.
When your baby is born a Sith
When being cool didn't go the way you expected it to...
This isn't even my final form
Japanese fashion
Murica fuk yaaahhh
Look who's taking the picture
Im still old-skool..
When you shift into Maximum Overdrive
Opening velcro without any sound
Trust me fam
*** you, Tammy!
Dammit, Grant.
The Coca-Cola Company's Manual. Did you just assume my taste buds?
Mark Hamill meets a new Sith Lord
Love and life
A mi alrededor son rostros conocidos
Co parenting at it's finest
Aww yiss
mmm ahh ooh haha lelo ihiii
Or get a red one
TIL my 2 year old is an adult. Thanks airline industry!
This is on my boss's desk
This is either the best idea Taco Bell ever had or it's the best idea the DEA ever had
Don't say we didn't warn you
can you guess what the witchdoctor told me
Generation gap
Feels bad man
Af Wendershen
" has a lots of things"
The Fast and the Fuhrerious: The Final Solution
Did anyone say longcat?
That's my good boy.
Scooter's owner was high as...
In workspace no one can hear you reference movies on the internet
Meanwhile in Finland... When normal piss just isn't enough.
No stopping these chemtrails
United Overbooked
It's exam season and whenever I get distracted I have to contribute 1 shitpost to focus again.
Real estate so good it's B.J. Worthy
So I found behavior reports from my childhood.
Summary of the last hours on Hugelol
Mark Hamill coping with the loss of Carrie Fisher
A healty and fun vegan meal!
Name my band
This cactus went to Coachella.
I have a feeling someone got a hold of the answer key.
Organ donations
I mean, it's fine that people are Chinese but I don't think what goes on at those Pride Parades are appropriate for children
This is why you never put a bald man on the front of a newspaper
Source is One Piece
Take that, vegetarians
Awww yiiissssss
What a time to be alive
Mario be seeing some booty. . .
It does exist.
I made a longcat
Meep Meep, Meep
The DOT of Iowa has a sense of humor.