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This review for a squirt gun...
Tech Support in a nutshell.
Jesus counts
If God choses you you're pretty much a prophet, right?
The Nigerian prince was real
And she was the hot one! :(
Plz do
Everybody hold on a minute
A Spotify playlist just for you!
Arizona has no chill.
Baptisms at this curch must be wild...
Roasted on twitter
Just play it cool, man...
Two Bearded Men
When Snapchat Addict dies....
An accident occurred...
When ball is life.
"They'll never know we sell drugs if we still live here"
What's so funny :-(?
A Good example of anxiety at its finest!
The combination of the colors Red and Yellow make people hungry.
Only in California
Is it just me, or does this look like two planes mating?
Trespassers will be what?
My dog was humped and pushed into his friend at the park. His face...
Video games are getting pretty realistic these days....
How much do you like kids?
Can you see the black guy?
Don't come to school tomorrow!
Yeah, me too.
Is it me or the repost search doesn't work for s**t?
Just for 1.5 mil.€
Gotta love the Colonel!
Goddam normies
Something Something Katman's Shirt
The future of robots
The voice in my head is always wrong
Our office relocated some equipment. A ninja turtles fan had a quick response to the posted notice
How you really look with a Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino
Да, Я есть ASS
This headline from The Atlantic
Relatable Content
Found this in Sydney
Pretty bird...
When a bully gets bullied
Another reason to visit Poland
India's top athletes
I think Shrek would win
How I was greeted in the office one morning.
The Bass is Bochka
Comedy gold
Not exactly what he expected
My reaction to the Katman face reveal
Just found my new lawyer
For educational purposes only
Craziest excerpt from a 6 page resume HR sent to me for review.
The Galaxy S8 hate on Korean
Seems like a good choice
Reese's report card
Tu tu tu tu
The hotel I work at just had a new front desk installed today by "professionals."
My roommate bought a saddle for his motorcycle on eBay. This was written on the box. Bravo ebay seller.
That was... unnecessary
Oh snappapapapa
When I tell my mom I don't plan to have kids and she sends me this.
Dont buy shoes via internet!
What happens when you overlap two English coins.
Has to be said.
why are titles a thing
My grandfathers deck only has feminine trap cards
When you finally decide to be positive
Seeing Katman posting a normie meme
sweaty face emoji
#420 #blazeit
Whitebones celebrates reaching 100 000 karma
Just to be sure
The birthday card I received from my vegetarian brother.
The Shrekposting never ends
Player uses communism... It's super effective (in theory)!
sosad pls prey
source for anime on the bottom right is Cory in the House
Work on your penmanship, kids
I never noticed the similarities...
your move top 1% kaiba!
This magazine columnist...
Snuck this into a paper about "sexual morality".
An old army friend of mine made the news...
Mathematical limerick
Happy 4/20
Bullying done right
Nothing is written in stone
A GSI took notes on what students do in class...
The main reason i'm a NEET
Basically me on a diet
How to get velociraptor