I live in Fayetteville, AR where we are currently getting record flooding. So naturally, my neighbors rode their unicorn through the streets.

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My cat was missing for several hours, until I got a call from my neighbor...
Follow the money
Reporting for dooty...
When you turn 100 and can't play with legos anymore
Mom be like: CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+V, CTRL+V
Straight forward as it gets.
Be proud of who you are.
First post, pls be kind?
It's as good a time as any
Just trying to fit in
Stay classy Chicago
Grandpas in the future be like
What a lovely server
Spotted on a front lawn in New Jersey
Thankful my town has Hercules the police pug to keep our streets safe from crime!
Sensitive subject solved.
Sure, you're goth, but are you dejectedly riding the subway with your raven goth?
If tarantulas could wear pants, which way would they wear them?
Don't assume...
Big night.
Pretty much explains my life
What house would you belong to? I found this behind my office
How the united airlines incident actually went.
I miss Danny Phantom
Ways to terrorize a telemarketer!
"I'm an introvert" - random guy "No, you're a ***ing racist" - Oxford University
Don't tell me how to raise my child
If you care about your safety
Wendy can be pretty brutal!
/int/ on crash test dummies
America getting it hard
Sign of a good party or what I can expect when she goes to college?
Is that a Jojo reference?
This older sister shit is for ***s.
Sauce in Comments
Witch 3: Wild Hunt banter
Even Google isn't totally sure...
/pol/ is not wise enough to hide his power level
Both are in my top 10 animes
There's two kinds of girls at a party
How to deal with bullies!
Not Wreckommended
Drinking at 21 vs drinking at 26
If the shoe fits...
How to recognize being under the influence of drugs.
Wendy's memes have arrived
Would not be my 1st choice of window
Our new freezer came with a handy guide to all the many different sounds it can make
The king of Sweden opening a new Viking museum
This guy needs better friends
Natural selection is still a thing
How to describe an adult
Unfortunate juxtaposition
I paused at the wrong moment in Moana.
The Papacy Exposed!
aaaa furgetdabouit
With these upgrades, you never stood a chance.
*** off mUh Legos Grandma
Tinder is always full of nice surprises
This is my hand, there's a joke in here somewhere... but I can't put my finger on it.
So, is this the stuff they teach at church now?
Never slept in this pot until the day I planted bulbs in it.
Irrefutable proof that Hugh Jackman is in fact immortal.
A selection of the transcript from the Apollo 11 flight.
A clever comic about vaccinations from BizarroComics.
Mary Poppins with the hot high ground
Someone submitted a giant version of the Rick and Morty butter passing robot to a BattleBots style tournament
Atheists 1, Theists 0
Just chillin
If I were a plant.
The worst job on the Enterprise.
Just riiiight
The should call you "Spongebob Fancypants"
Also works for the laundromat
Krusty the clown
Gif of the DMV
All aboard B-Yacht'ch!
Ginger Awareness Week
Only seven minutes old and already fed up with life
Of course I went in for a pint!
Clever sign between a dojo and a coffee shop in my hometown.
Gotta love Bud Light
Pretty much guaranteed to crash
Breakfast for Cereal
Spread some cheese
Pew pew
Take out my phone and start blasting "Pumped up kicks" for a better atmosphere
Netflix description of Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men
Interrupting little shit
This guy is such a savage.
I see Animal Anus, anyone else?
Hello There
Finally got an answer to the age-old question.
Say NO to WAR
Got bored in physics class, so I decided to draw Venus de Milo. Now I can't stop laughing
Sad life