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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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How trees reproduce
When ur high af and your parents try and talk to you
foken bobby
So I asked this storm trooper to aim at me for the picture
My heart bleeds for you
Funny Zoo Sign
Coming soon in vegetable market
Whoever created the billboard is about to get fired
hiding power level
Rules are rules.
My nightly fridge raids have not gone unnoticed. I'm also only 33.
brother... the oats...
Future Spiderman
The gods have damned us
Wal-Marts Clean Bathroom Policy
The dog does a photo bomb
Things my teacher can do better.
Need anything else ?
Statistically 25% chances it's indian
Just noticed Michael Scott's diploma on the wall
Put an unwanted fridge out with a sign saying "FREE TO TAKE" -- Happy to report someone took the sign last night
"I want to impress other anime fans" - say no more, fam
the school of fidget allows many spells
Old spongebob meme
The Most Powerful Sound In The World
Ive never related to something more in my life
Somebody duct taped my RAs door shut last night.
All you had to do was ask, bro
"It Wasn't My Fault!"
My mom asked me to help her go through her email to delete emails she doesnt need....
time to stop
Messenger of god
Ordered a ball bearing to make my own Fidget Spinner and it came in this box.
My girlfriend was a bit formal as a child.
It's about time movies got realistic
I've been recently in the meme graveyard
Breaking News
I have been waiting this my whole life
Radical Islam
I am the best fidget spinner in the world, everybody knows it, Im so good at fidget spinning...
oscilloscopes types
Angry outlet terrifies his neighbors.....
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
High School Portrait
Extremely Rare Sneakers
She bent over backwards for him
Wait, they did what?!
Just hang tight guys I know what I'm doing
Silly normies
Walked in my house and was greeted by this dog. This isn't my dog.
Revolutionary marketing
Going down
Protect yourselves and others ...
'Taco bell isn't real mexican food..'
My stepdad is partially deaf but refuses to wear hearing aids. I asked him to pick up two bags of party mix for this weekend. He came home with this
I'll See You Again
South Georgia senior pranks got parents ready to fight
Born to Pun
My razor blades
When you live in a college town like Isla Vista, stuff like this occurs on the daily
Then versus now...
What to do when you receive junk mail
Seriously, beware of this dog
Remember..... Memes, memes never change.
Whose kid is this.
To catch a criminal, you have to think like one.
New measurement for distance
What ༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ Sounds Like
motivate yourself with this one secret trick
I guess they don't have the chip reader.
Mr. Steal yo phone
Took until question 9 before we realized what they were doing. Nice try kid.
I found this random bit of concrete at work?
Dave Grohl goes to confession.
My wife hired a new assistant today.
Steady slaying.
Feline bamboozle
I shall wander through this borkland
fast and the craft
Just Tales 3
Saved the planet once again
Those were good times.
Make it worth while
This dog would like to speak to your manager
My favorite king of the hill moment.......
Philosophy by Jason Mewes
I hope everyone is enjoying their lazy Saturday
Are Star Wars memes still funny?
'Member the real "fake news"?
"I can't give examples of OC, because then it would cease to be OC." This is impure, but still.
My Fidget Spinner back in 1990
When the teacher asks who's presenting next