Strawberry picking. You will notice that one of my kids follows the rules, the other, is just like his father.

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RIP Adam West. I will miss you on family guy.
Good luck :'(
Found this in my yearbook
Unacceptable! I mean really.... cargo shorts?
Best battle ever!
Grocery store lady starter pack
The comma
I see cats completely different now.
Well if a three year old can do it
We love you more than taffy, Adam West. Thanks for the laughs...
Blue Column of Death
Transit App is savage
In memory of Adam West
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
Probably my favorite picture ever
Poor Draco...
Nothing more thrilling than an auction!
Then What's This For...?
All of us
Aim High or I Am High?
The 370 disappeared?!
Drivers need all the help they can get
War is hell
Swedish standards
R.I.P Adam West. Always made me laugh.
Please watch your step.
Papa Franku is now being used in classrooms as a role model
I believe that the Earth is flat. Here's the evidence.
The choice is clear
Have you ever been diagnosed with memory loss?
I regret my decision.
Only 1590's kids remember
Squad selfie
Don't worry, it's just a light rain...
Spotted during a flat viewing in London
Them Donuts
Face painting gone horribly wrong.
How to give the triple bird. For when you're really pissed.
My roommate's dentist has the best appointment reminders.
Too relatable?
No. There is no Sauce u frickin weirdoes.
You should probably worry...
Birds be like
This guy stood in front of the stair master for 20 minutes watching the NBA finals
My sister said she got a new cat. I didn't believe her, until...
Never finish on Debussy
So, my cousin got a llama
Total burn.
Bring it like Brownshirts 1934. Curb stomb! Pull out a gun! I may be Hitler, but I'm STILL NOT TRUMP
Missed the naming opportunity for "Schindler's Lift"
Old but true
c'mon we gotta settle this
Slightly used
Too relatable
Star comrades.
When you find love, you'll know it
I will be Copyright claimed
Low resolution shitposting
The only logical response.
Well it DOES rhyme
School's out in my neighborhood
The new Black Panther movie poster looks like it should be for an old PS2 game
Meanwhile In my school bathroom stall.....
Ladies, Father's Day is coming up. What will you get your man this year?
Shitposts Daily
Millennials, we've been reading these headlines all wrong. We're actually doing great.
Grade Ninja!
Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally as Cher and Sonny Bono
Shitposts Daily
100% Microsoft wheel functionality
Slogan writing today is really a lost art
And then there was one......
This gentleman belongs to a group who promotes a "pure gene pool."
Humming the Jaws theme
this guy is a rebel
Bork? Bark! За родино за Сталино!
Good clean fun
Blessed by the doggo
Good 'ol Mark
probable an orange
Cum trails
Parenting summed up in one photo
How To Handle Drug Dealing Neighbors
I love Patrick Stewart on American Dad.
TIL my son has the power to transform into a chubby middle-aged wiseguy
The guy who came up with this deserves a raise
Why You Drink
Just got the best wedding RSVP ever...