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I am suffering through high school and i should be doing assignments but i am just memeing, i have one rule; i make all my contnent.

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Even my math teacher has a severe hatred towards this joke, so yeah... couldn't resist....
Keeping a kill list for the pets.
Zeros in a Half Shell
From the great minds that brought you downloadable RAM comes...
White Po......!
the smell of a grill
Tony Stark’s dog is a player!
Was browsing to adopt a dog, and found this
Given recent events...
King Of The Hill had it right about Phoenix..
Star Trek TNG's new HD release for 2017
Poor brits
She's my collar
I hate sand
Do not amuse yourself!
Top 10 Anime Battles
Average Hiddenlol poster
How close have you come to this in the Wal-Mart parking lot?
Something bad happened here.......
This show keeps me running back.
level up
Definitely the same color
When your professor starts paying attention...
My doggo just found out who framed Rogger Rabbit
It's a re-release
Seen in my neighborhood
gta 6
Nothing personal kid
Time to move
My niece left this for me before she left out of town.
And in Arizona a new sign appeared at the DQ.
Obligatory Console Bashing from PC
Soft boiled pasta
You can't stop yourself
Don't go outside.
Made this and taped it to my desk at my old job. My boss wasn't amused, but all my coworkers wanted one of their own.
That's too many cats...
The new Transformers movie should be interesting.
Who X-actly?
The fight of the century
Delta in the streets, United in the sheets
This means you have won
Goodbye Ohio
Cultural appropriation is a severe problem
This is what happens when your boat trailer gets rear ended.
The ultimate curse
When you ask your gf to name the boat.
If electricity was human made...
To be fair, that's exactly why I freak out if you double dip a chip
Great music video.
Somebody call Flo
He exists !
He's gonna be all right.
Trying to talk to your fat friend
Saw this at a flea market in Arkansas.
Security Vs...
BLM in a nutshell
We need the expert
Unnecessary quotation marks on a marked police car
Don't hesitate when telling David your name...
My friends came home to this note from her dog walker
/tv/ has a very particular set of skills...
Animu ascension
Summer in London.
Heist of the year
A difficult choice
Brilliant sewage company slogan.
Wi-fi networks at my apartment complex
Hot enough to ACTUALLY try baking cookies on your dash in Phoenix today
Poor horse
Lance Armstrog
not sure
the reason why I prefer sneak attacks
You will gain 50 Windows XP. Take Clippy with you.
Yamero you baka weeb
How does this person look young/old and like a woman/man at the same damn time?
when did you decide to be gay
Having a monster truck was fun until it needed new tires...
Astronauts describing what life is like in outer space
How do i play a balloon?
My new favorite birthday card
Your dad is right
So my wife said some guy works at the salon and does her toenails. She didn't mention that he was packin' heat.