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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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HDL 101
Wage gap explained
Run boy run!
One of the greatest inventions of the 21st century
Antifa in Hamburg right now
What else is big?
I've seen that plate before...
I was not paying attention...
What have you done, human?
What an ironic name for the CEO of "Food for the Poor"
My grandma would've freaked as well
Ironic metro ad
My niece told me that I had to stop watching the Lord of the Rings and watch Doc McStuffins with her
666 The Number of the Beef.
Visiting your bff in hospital.
My wife was away for the day and asked for a picture of our adorable son...
My friend visited Paris recently
Can't make this up.
Googled fat tiger, was not disappointed.
Can star wars fans confirm?
Went out drinking with my daughter tonight. Pleased to report I was able to show her how adults have a sensible, restrained evening without going over the top.
Some people are just awful
JESUS CHRIST! this book doesn't mess
Anon is ashamed of his soup
This logo....
I laughed too hard at this...
Remember what we are fighting for
Beaker is my spirit muppet
She's so silly sometimes
My My...
Where'd he go?
Sometimes it's a race car
Something that the most of us still can't face
Finally, a good use for the fidget spinner
I see your race car and your space ship and raise you military grade battle armor.
That fruit lasted like 50 years.
Affirmations and gentle reminders.
Who would have known we'd have such advanced games in 2017
Aunt Irma's visiting
Not you too Soundcloud.. Not you too
Wake me up!
Hobby Lobby employee of the month
Stay out of my territory
I see your race car and raise you a space ship
I don't know what to believe
Take her away and book her
My favorite license plate
codeine dreams and canal moodz
Need a lift
7 course Irish meal
Damn, Donovan!
I know who's gonna win
Best note all week
What ever floats your goat
paris loves you too
Hope you guys enjoyed the Shitposts
*** stairs
Half-assed reports
When you first started your job vs you at your job now
To be fair my wife did think this paddling pool was suspiciously cheap
5,000 feet not giving af
Obtained this wonderful card after my sister found out I was on Tinder
Metal dad lvl 80
I believe it
So the dinosaurs aren't dead yet
you just jelly because i love my waifu more than you
Sauce: DragonForce
Still shitposting
What else can he say?
My kids walk around "dabbing" I told them this was my generations version of "dabbing"
I told my husband today was my half birthday. And he came home with a card torn in half and a bunch of half sized treats.
So freaking true,
I need some sleep
The Swiss Army Glove , for the woman who wants it all!
It's so hot outside, even the metal fence is melting!
More magic
Too bad Venom isn't in "Homecoming".
I was never allowed to watch this show
Simple Advice from a Simple Man
The ***boy has grown up
9/11 had its perks for some people
You ain't foolin anyone Matt Damon
Step up your eBay selling game
Google captured my bike wipeout this morning
Somebody had the sudden realization that they just got married
World Peace.
"To heck with being a good boy, play some Ride of the Valkyries cadet!"
When people ask me what I'm doing this weekend
Well played, Amazon.
Different strokes for different folks.