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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Photos of divers doing flips mid-dive and edited onto a toilet is the best thing I've seen all week
This dog looks like William H. Macy
My three year old saw this and exclaimed "Look! Someone drew green scissors on the road!"
My whole life has been a lie
ah yeeee
Feminist logic
Wife accidentally used my beard-trimmings towel to dry her face
Not telling nefer again
this came into the clinic today. 23lbs.
Rook at me
It's a shit job, but somebody's gotta do it!
Tran ban
Old and stolen: comics edition
Legos are sexist
When European sees uncolonized land
Big, black, and you can sit on it.
Hans is always prepared
Reminds me of Requiem for a Dream
Served with a side of Grandpa's famous fromunda cheese
Went to lunch today and this was in the doorway.
What the hell is going on here...
Release date august the 6th
Collar tag WIN
The bravest man in the airport
Introducing the new Nintendo Swiss.
They had so little time to react. RIP.
Mr. Crab's first dollar
Just aCoincidence? I think not!
My friend recently acquired a "gently used" office desk
Got cut off today, wasn't even mad.
Didn't see you there
I heard you hate communists
My online physics homework knows me too well
It's getting real now...
My friends kid looks like Garth.
Damn mexicans
Someone at work has her kids coming in to visit. She drew this so I would know what they look like when they got here...
Found your mom's ethernet port
Why is this a stock photo?
Ha Yee
Cage me again mother***er
ESRB Video Game rating system
There are no original ideas anymore.
Little League in a nutshell
Internal message
This hangs in the paint department of my local hardware
Every high school seating chart
The view is pretty nice from here.
So sad
So I found this at my parents house last night?
I'm the guy from your math books who has a ton of pizzas in their car
Artificial Intelligence
Assailant..."slipped and fell"
I'm convinced there's a conspiracy going on here.
It fits
Our maintenance guy definitely watched Tom and Jerry as a kid
When plastic bags attack
Working at the White House right now
Only true gamers can relate
white children feel more comfortable with guns
I ❤️ DP? Pssh, anyone recall 7up doing something like this more than a decade ago?
I guess things are getting competitive at work
Not sure if I should be concerned or Texas.
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Imma crash this website
Baby Announcement.
When two wrongs make a right
M'am, good news is--we found your daughter. Bad news is, the bidding is up to $20K
I too hope to achieve Nic Cage levels of coolness one day
"On what level of crazy liberalism are you on", "Like 5 or 6", "you are like a baby, watch this"
They should make a movie
The Pussy Deflector Mk. I
Furious mother, you're doing amazing sweetie
4 Opening day of zucchini season! Nice to see a traditionalist still using a zucchini cat.
Taken with my cellphone of course
I get the hint...
Whoever made this billboard is my kind of person
not even final form
Just being honest...
512gb SanDisk SD card
Wow great job Amazon. You really did it.
A woody is a woody
Follow your dreams
sad woah
In the eyes of a 12-year-old COD gamer...
When protestors come out but you still rep your restaurant
Siri is certified in understanding drunk math questions.
Cat suffers for horrible case of Chickenpox ..
War never changes
When your friend orders you a vitamin to feel better.
I always miss them, but do they ever miss me?
Follow your dreams
Hey, they lowered the speed limit
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