My Crohns doctor paints, and puts his art around the office. This is in the bathroom.

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Commentary God
Police stop at a Canadian half marathon
This was posted om my works bulletin board today
God has a sense of humor at least
Is anyone still here?
Thought you guys might like to see my new banana hammock.
Saw this guy biking downtown a week ago in a Speedo, smoking a bong. This is him protesting outside the police department
Dog will lose his shit!
I'm a little concerned about my sister's future...
I never want to encounter this dude at a urinal
One of the support guys was determined to show me a trace, I was expecting a serious issue, this is what I saw.
Speak like an Australian
Walked past a door that was deep in denial
Finally found out what to do with those veggie burgers!
It only makes sense
Sign guy 2020
Where is it
Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands
Ironic, but not wrong.
For all you trap lovers, ya'll are gay.
Can I ?
Hello There
Anon ***s up
If every airline in the US had an honest slogan
Blue stands for loyalty
Rare Footage of Japanese Marine Infiltrating the US in 1941
"My girlfriend is 20 years younger than me" starter pack
I get super artsy when my wife leaves luggage in the living room for two weeks.
Urgent message...
Everyone has their own taste preferences, and thats ok :)
I'm stuck inside, I need to get out. Help me please.
10/10 Subtitles
Pic unrelated.
[windows sounds]
Anon is the alt-right
Moose Game
Cause this is thriller, thriller night!
Pizza man, my hero
Beaver Jokes
infinite respect
Beware of dawggo
Rope companies hate him
I'm the guy that typed 'no f***ing shrimp or he die' onto a tables bill and forgot to remove it
Photography magic!
I sat near the most animated reader I've ever seen.
Someone's been putting these stickers on random products in the store I work.
"OH MY GOD, close the door!"
These $50 carabiners have a security lock even though you can just unhook them
Wonder what happened the next day
Sir are you aware that you are a cat?
Dickbutt before it was cool
From a bar on Bratislava
You Have Made Your Last Mistake Human...
My biggest fear.....
Nationalism is retarded
"I'm better off without that stupid cat anyways, I don't need her. All I need is myself"
Taco Bell is hip.
He killed 50 men
Troll of the century
Things u see in atlanta airport
These signs for the toilets in this café
Ya like jazz?
How you Bean
Anon explains Slav Squats
Apart but always together
Cat ninja training
A forrest made out of wooden spikes
These are movies I'd actually go see
What would you do in this situation?
bobs and vegeta
he did it!
After seeing this meme on here I had my gf make it into a shirt
He is not the god we asked for but the god we deserved
my joke backfired
Even though my sunflower is blind, it still enjoys looking at the sun
today someone decided to make an illegal u turn at the worst possible time
Horror time
That good ol' Calculator
My entire youth was spent training for this moment
Oh Kurwa
that smile <3
magic level
Geared up for getting down
Portals are "one size fits most"
Garlic bread
Happy left handers day!
Truth Facts
This guy is living in the future
That was fast.
If you're going to show up with tiki torches, you may as well dress the part.
The difference a smile makes
The driver was never found, but a fair amount of catnip all over the front seat was taken in as evidence.
[the creeping horror of reality sinking in]
Someone really wanted these to be real
My dog realized she can stand in the pool