Got called in for a meeting with HR recently about "appropriate language in the workplace;" the next day this gem mysteriously showed up on my desk.

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20 year difference
wut u do
Patrick will always make me laugh
How to be a parent in 2017
Come on guy, that's 11....
When you *** up typing so bad autocorrect is like I dunno man, maybe try capitalizing it???
How strong is Steve?
The saddest aisle in the supermarket.
I love Nero's music
That sounds like it'll work
Twins !
How to end racism
I don't have the sauce.
Roman memes are my thing
Robotic Love Life !
I think he wants a new chew toy
That's gotta hurt the feelings
Positions like this have a 100% chance of making your king swear fealty.
OK. Wait. What?
I am sorry...
Trying to get back in the dating scene after marriage like..
No hands!
In honor of the eclipse tomorrow.
People would drive from miles around for grandma's muffin
Dream of every person who encounters a brat
A calf showing off to dogs
Early picture of the eclipse
Skrub scientists
El Crasho
Or an anime tiddie
Please come and fetch him.
Looking at all of you
Use protection people!
wheres the italians?
what a good person
Those multiple download buttons on websites.
These berries though.........
Liberal mindset
Advertising vs Reality
I think the moon is trying to tell us where the treasure is hidden.
$20 onesies at Walmart? I regret nothing...
Sign in Split
Thomas the tank engines nightmares
ponéknom maymays
Flat-Earthers finally have the evidence they need
In the car with my Uncle and this pops up
Man, that Lizardman!
We went with the safe option
Hold that thought
Snacks for the eclipse.
hdl'ers at a bar
Take Down the Clown!
Never ending cycle.
This is it. lol
Any man can be a father; it takes someone special to be a Dad
Pepsi will always bring us together.
Ransom in 2017
Leo bald is basically just Jack Nicholson.
When a girl needs help
You know you can trust this animal hospital
Das wacist
Hopefully no one reads this straight across from left to right like I did...
This appropriate advert on the other page
Girl thinks paparazzi is taking photos of her; doesn't yet realize a supermodel is right behind her.
When your life is going great.
Why were we taught this in school?
I have a job ...
When his hand faster than his head!
The face of regret.
My friend just returned from a 7 month deployment. This guy had my favorite sign in the crowd of friends and family.
Why can't I, plato?
How to make sure a child cannot access parental controls settings
A mother's struggle
PSA: Check your beer bottles for wasps when drinking outside in the summer.
I think someone's jealous
Since my wife got a new car, I thought I'd splurge too and upgrade mine to the CLI edition.
ATM security level: Grandma
This really made my wife and I laugh for some reason...
Enjoy the dinner with us
Being left handed is a special kind of torture
Anti-theft equipment for the US market.
How to Pronounce "Gif"
Flour Storage
It must have been a moist mixtapes
Serious inquires only
On the topic of face swaps...
Eclipse viewer
"How did you even get to be Captain?"
Statements that are clearly untrue...