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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
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Let's try "We aren't even trying to hide it" for $400 Alex
My daughter asked me to help her with her job application... I hope she gets the interview
Fellas stop bein gay
Two Girls Two Dudes
Awhile ago I posted about how while I was drunk I ordered 100 tiny top hats for my toad.. Meet my new little guy looking quite dapper! No regrets.
Thanks to all who helped without having to be shamed into it.
The best 2 star hotel review in Kansas.
Even when being rescued from hurricane floods, this cat is just over it.
I'll take "Restaurant names that sound like sex acts" for $1000, Alex
Still can't see a difference after all this time...
Get off his ark.
Devils vs. Balrogs
We all laughed...
The hero Texas deserves.
It helps to talk about it
Seeing your ex in the street
Customer review that got put on a plaque and hung in the middle of our office today.
Let's stick with "restaurants that sound like sex acts" for 800$ Alex
The truth in this pic..
Funny Back to School Pic
The only shelter Joel Osteen really cares about
From the perspective of the tuna inside of a tuna can.
Light water damage
Have you ever realized how the trapezius of a bodybuilder looks like a skinny person coming out of a muscular body?
Flipping homophobes
when duck mother is dog
Smoking is good for the environment because it kills humans
Haters and critics alike can now all hush up. Leave my boy, Joel, alone.
Brian ***ed up bad this time
Hacker level: stack overflow error
Amazon community at it again...
Classic France
Where is the money Lebowski?
mohamed in my case
you made me use 10% of my power
When you bust a nut
I can't look at Joel Osteen without seeing...
Think we've been doing it wrong our whole life
This sink has seen some shit
Please... my son, he's very sick
Littlefinger got little fingered
I'll take "Restaurant names that sound like sex acts" for $400, Alex
Booty lift
My doggo isn't totally convinced with the makeshift lap I made for him to sit on while I'm gone.
Tricked them
Centaurs: Problematic
Not sure, not sure my friend
Do women know about shrinkage?
Short and sweet Emancipation Proclamation
No, no im sorry they are all mine!
paint 3D
This hits me on a personal level
You can run...
Applies to me .
lujigi dont!
Mei is T H I C C
That's why I try to get at least 14 hours/day
His son wanted a switch for his birthday
That's a powerful hurricane
Elon Musk changing the definition of SAVAGE
Undercover corgi
time for a meme from the future
He could have wished for infinite asses
You've been found out, whomever you are.
You gotta be careful of the flood waters in Texas
My favorite bumper sticker ever...
Only one of them was available during the storm.
I've always loved British humour
The sign when leaving Climax, Saskatchewan
Nice of them
Stiff nipples air conditioning
This guy I saw in Denver
A bit of humor to keep us going
Quitting your life
Friends sister received this tip today...
children are the future
Bye kermit
Seriously Windows, it's been like 5 minutes.
This tattoo just paid for itself
Girls hate this, dont do it
All 5 of my sister's professors look the same this semester. She calls it "The Jaime Lee Curtis Effect"
Punching Nazis
He's trying!
*** off Houston
My dog pretends he's blind
Tell Cersei, I want her to know it was me
Saw this on tinder in Portland. The hurricane relief text number
From my daughter's coloring book.
The spice is life!
Moms Like To Be Appreciated On Their Birthday
The weather channel was interviewing Wilson from home and improvement.
Why wireless printers should have passwords. Woke up and found this in my printer