My friend got this letter from his stoner roommate. Please read this with a stoner voice

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born acoustic
Gotta stay in shape to fight the evil forces ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh Columbus
Pretty good odds actually
You know it's gonna get bad in Florida when the gators start leaving
yeah ok you can downvote me for that joke
My friend's back seat, in preparation for hurricane Irma
You failed
That one friend who blatantly disregards the rules of shotgun
At Peace
Right when you think it can't get any worse...
schrödingers yard
so my teacher tried to lighten the mood about the hurricane
Me too plant.... Me too.....
Full send
In Indiana you know it's gonna be a long flight delay when the ground crew breaks out the basketball.
Ha! Karma!
I like it tho
Services rendered.
My friend traveled to India. She posted a photo this morning with the caption "It's going well."
What up I'm Josh
Perfect alignment
My grandfather just passed and we were cleaning out his car, he always had the best since of humor
spinny bois
The quality content HL deserves
This guy is tired of getting pulled over
Let it shine
A symbol of wealth among pigeon's.
The heavens were angry that day my friends...
Sometimes simplicity works best
This is why people drop out
My cat figured out the water cooler button.
Met my mum's new cat yesterday- she has some interesting markings
This card would be more convincing if Old Navy didn't sell them in packs of eight
Wife Goals
Cat5 Hurricane
Loves Me Not
This dragonfly looks like he just farted and is really pleased with himself
Found in a Florida grocery store. That's how you sell some produce!
Das Vidanya
A 10 year argument with my wife is finally over.
No, go ahead. I'm sure the message can wait.
Betty Vs. Cloris
PNW, so hot right now
idk guys the evidence is clear
Swim tricks
We get it Pennywise, you vape
rispettare le donne
Florida is weird.
Prepping For Irma Like
Wanted to take a group selfie. Shot one with my daughter in it, then got her to shoot the next. I'd stitch both together. It'll be perfect, I thought.
Truth hurts.
Fans of the vampire team
A co-worker graded the new manager's notice
"Lets-a-go" he whispered into a half-empty flask
help me out my G
Old friend
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's.......
Dem tricks
That was also his last BJ.
Dirty sheets™ A viacom company
Katman playing 4d chess
People actually believe there are sharks swimming around Houston. Think they'll believe this too?!
Useful bird chart
My friend found out that you can get photos printed on blankets. This was his niece's birthday gift.
Come on Jesus
Be careful when inviting war hero's to give a talk at your school!
Mike Dyson
sorry this is a C H R I S T I A N H O U S E H O L D so no C U R S I N G
didnt think about that did you
Florindian Giving.
poor guy
Irma Gerd
Is it?
looks we might have a shot after all you guys
My pregnant wife demanded I go to the store for frozen yogurt. I was temped to play a joke, but wanted to live.
"Whatcha thinkin 'bout?" "Nothin much just spooky stuff"
Chewie with the Cone of Shame.
you know what i give them ;) Prob some armor so they can go to the war
Churches or Popeyes?
Too Relatable
bachelor of arts in watermelonetics
pls end this
habee pottur
Just because it's unique, doesn't mean it's useful
Another strong hurricane gonna strike the US....
Posted on a local swap "bearly used kiddie pool"