Recently moved +1000 miles from parents. Got this from my dad and laughed out loud. Really miss him.

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This sign wasn’t lying
My friends carpenter saw nothing wrong with how he installed the closet doors.
Saw this on my way home from work.
Actual photo of me waiting for my daughter to finish her homework.
The only time you say NO to food...
ah ah ah
Calp yuor hnads
My dryer quit working and my boyfriend spent 4 hours taking it apart to find the problem. Looks like I am the problem, accidentally switched it to "no heat." And I also may be single now.
The old Taylor is dead
The lost son of Ryan Gosling and Steve Carell
Honestly not sure why but this gets me laughing every time I see it.
Expert in Pac Man
It's terminal
Find what you love and let it kill you
Selfie Time ^^
At least you laugh
This sign in Florida is great
I ate the clown, lol
Found something MUCH worse than ISIS
When not making baskets...
His majesty
Or perhaps Chayna?
the new iphone will automatically mace you if you shit post
4 days without a cigarette and a co-worker told me to "come back in a year" before I'm proud about it. Mark your calendars, Ladies and Gents.
"I'm going to make this house a little less full"
Bonesaw is ready... to break down gender norms and stereotypes
The face of true pain
Goddammit Qadir
A tasty treat
when ppl downvote my memes
Autocats, roll out!
Save dem shoes
Hang in there!
Ted Fieri
This is Trevor Smith.
Petrol stations
10 years ago today I was in grade 10 and smoked a doobie during lunch. Didn't know it was photo day.
My mother made a Facebook account and this was her first message to me:
Old footballers vs. modern superstars
Darn oranges
the reaction of this dog is hilarious
The second best thing to come out of 9/11
So that's where they all are!
i recycled this from last year
Going down a storm
I suppose the username fits perfectly
Turn the car - we're outta here...
Jet Fuel Steals Meme
Who will be the next victim ?
Apple Watch
I tried to text "for f..k sakes" and it auto corrected to "four duck snakes" so I googled that...wasn't disappointed
I love adding stuff to my coworkers' notes.
When u wanna get high but u fancy
When Americans build their house
Grandma 2016 vs 2090
Dang it...
Need to take a break?
Don't come here you normie
Damm this iPhone faceID lock.
Bath time for chicken.
On a Boston T
iPhone X Home Button
Comedy gold
I was feeling good about myself, and then I had to go and have another fortune cookie
"Near Misses Throughout History"
Tom Haverford, the Ultimate wing man
Apparently Stewie Griffin works at my hospital....
California problems
The vet did a perfect job capturing our animals personalities on their ID tags.
I hope they don't notice
I asked my dad to make me a wallpaper, this is what he sent me...
asthetic S H E L D O R
"Listen. You is kind. You is smart. You is important..."
They change so fast
This pic I took of my dog looks like a crime scene photo.
My girlfriend thought this was an accurate description of me. I'll have to explain to her when I see her later why she's wrong.
Two tickets to Atlanta please :v
Struck by the divine light ...
Interesting flyer
Higher level casting: Thot Protection
I thought something smelled funny on the road today
Apple revealed they worship the Many Faced God