My boyfriend is creeped out by the Snuggle bear's eyes.. So in effort to help him do laundry..

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I was making an account on a website and stumbled upon this gender question
Walgreens knows what's up.
My mom likes to crochet cat butthole coasters. She doesn't even own a cat.
Find a better family photo recreation. I dare you.
Oh really now
That happens when you spend all your kittenhood with dogs
This is how my friend's dog sits on the couch
The designer of this oven mitt missed a huge opportunity.
All these ***s disrespecting the injured.
Seen at a red light in Kansas
The Worf of Wall Street
Gender Bearier
Kindergarten clothes hanger in Poland
Bird Flu Hits A Trailer Park
n edgy n+2 me
Construction worker has his feelings hurt.
We are at this stage
It seems Viserys Targaryen found a new job modeling pants
How you know you’re in a bad area
vlc troll
Is there anyone else whose mother is exactly like this
Why is this a thing?
When you don't know which track kills more meatbois
Spotted this amazing door stop at work
Contractor gets in the cabinet he just build to prove its sturdiness
A lifetime of trust issues start here.
My very british mother just sent me this
someone cosplaying the actual convention center. Scott Snyder
My dad likes reading so I got him a Kindle for is birthday. He's using it as a bookmark.
Disney princesses replaced with cement mixers
This bench memorial quote
misleading bathroom signs
How my dog like to sit while watching football
there are three genders
"I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna make it!! This is the greatest day of my li-D'OH!"
I think a squirrel fell off my roof!
Something's not right....
Atleast they’re honest!
Hue Jackman
In that moment, they were euphoric.
oh snap
This kid got caught drinking at a party and was interviewed by a local news station, he brought his own microphone...
Watches the food network once
I work in the service department for a John Deere dealer and a guy brought this in because it doesn't cut grass anymore
Can't decide which one's dumber
Robot tattoo
When you're too drunk and too big to be carried to your hotel room
So now it all makes sense
EU aka The Fourth Reich
WTF Doreen?
When its spooktober and you say that spooky memes aren't dank
Shouldn't have put the airport in a bad neighborhood
OhHell No!
are bgonthot memes still good?
couldn't believe in my eyes for 3 seconds
I wanna be gay
Chinese kungfu ?
Fudge be fingering...
The Wild Thornberrys
Somebody didn't think this vanity plate through.
Pen Pal
This Girl Has Too Much Free Time
I finally get it
This local pumpkin patch has a lot of rules
Subtle Kleenex, very subtle.
Ditto used Transform!
Target shoppers know whatsup
I've learned to accept the pain
Good bye
And in today's interview...
I got 500 of these and started distributing them around campus
In reality god hates us all, but Abby in particular
The poor kids of this generation
Being a rich man is like a girl being pretty
Only in Florida...
This cat has seen some shit
every time i take my dog out for walks she stops to see her boo. it's like romeo and juliet
Wikipedia's definition of the word "***" is extremely amusing...
Why yes google..thats EXACTLY what I meant...
This deer for sale on Craigslist
that's the ultimate Revolver
Saw your Elon Musk, and raise you a Seth MacFarlane transformation.
Poor cat thought sunglasses would stop Medusa
I think my cat just became self-aware
Wake up sheeple
That's how we develop trust issues
I was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and joked with my sister about playing the "cancer card". Wow did she deliver.
Decided to start acting my age and had some inexpensive business cards printed.
Text book instructions on how kitty belly rubs really work
Saw this on my way to work!