"Ma'am, I've caught the alleged "bad dog". May I trouble you for a cup of water and a cookie?"

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I thought to myself I'm turning 27 in January and I should google when I'd stop being young and hip. Then it hit me that it's probably when you start googling "young and hip."
Git gud
Lord off the ducks
Are you ***ing kidding me...
Thank god for subtitles.
This needs a repost
when your grandma tells your mom to leave you alone
Since it really exists, people should start taking some.
Some light reading while waiting for the dentist.
Get on my lvl
This week on ESPN 30 for 30
IT employee of the month
Well that's shitty
at least the show would end
The can choir
Respec Wamen
This man had some great things to to say. RIP Mr. Lahey
My child, the realist.
My friend with muscular dystrophy drew this on his whiteboard outside his dorm room.
Quick maths
spooky dude
Let's give this guy a Medal
When your cat thinks he's an emoji.
Women complained about men going into the "women's" gender neutral bathroom
Doggo friendly fence.
Teacher sent this home with our kindergartner. We've always been proud of our son, Homework.
Pug driving a VW bus in google streetview
my daughter drinks like archer
Here is proof of just how patient my girlfriend is to help me nail my increasingly basic goals
A concerned fan
bless him
I bet she likes it raw
Sir, this is a christian meme
At least they're honest about it.
These Rick and Morty fans can't be stopped
Coyote mistaken for lost dog gets a bath
Art is all around you if you look with a child’s eyes
when life gives you lemons!
One time at band camp
just going to walk away slowly...
How to keep track of a pet turtle.
I teach kindergarten in Taiwan. One of my students’ English name is Optimus Prime.
I found a joke book from 1940, and this has got to be my favorite one.
Respook women!
The epic conclusion
book meme
More than I can do
simply the best
How to make sure kids never come to your front door ever again during Halloween...
Good ol' Harold
Even shadow guy is there.
thanks dad
“It will be wild, man”
Here is proof of just how patient my boyfriend is to help me nail my increasingly basic goals
showed my nephew how to make tshirts online and he was quiet for ages. This is what he's selling. :\
Man Kills Imaginary Friend
long time no see
Anon has an online gf
Watching The Puwerpuff Girls with my daughter when suddenly
a new hope
Yeah Kevin, WTF?
show vagene
My dad sent me this photo with the caption, “I need to get this thing off of my lawn.”
Life has many chemtrails Ed Boy
Irish customer service......
Shoes for scale… and bed
Windows exploit found by Firefox
Just started dating a new girl... it’s starting
This duck has an afro
sign outside local ice cream spot
Instructions for dog shampoo
Invisible man spotted on the metro!
I say we can all be scary heros
Doritos are THAT good
A promise is a promise
Penguins just like us
Humanity is heading towards different direction
Pampers from Canada
Every game of Mariokart
Just in case anyone was having a bad day...
Doesn’t need an explanation.
oh boi
Anon gets a girl pregnant
Some flowers are more sensitive than others.
Hurricane Response: Maindland US vs. Puerto Rico
License plate pun game is on point.
fun game.
Oh the hypocrisy