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Come here for your prescribed dosage of daily edge. Normies and thots will be sent to a Chechen death camp. Garfello, where is the Lasaga?

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gordon ramsay dont like spooky skeletons
"Boys'" toy logic
Genius creator of Rick & Morty with Elon Musk, an average fan
Proper gas station bathroom etiquette
When you've downloaded a 40GB file and hear sirens passing by in the distance
British humour at its finest.
anon have a jar
a friendly joke
A well placed package label
Live, Laugh, Love
Top quality feedback
Unlicensed Halloween costume names.
Too soon?
My son’s first grade HW. He had to correct this sentence.
Press 1 if you'd smash your sis
Librarian is a qualified worker
Cruella de Vil Halloween Costume
Vandalism at its finest
if Star Wars was Mexican
I'm lovin' it
The Happiest Batman I ever seen
Nothing wrong with saving some money
easy :smirk:
This park in Vancouver
That's rape though
anon commits sexual harrasment
thank god he went first
Eliminate Racism with Black Mecha's
When fishing, always bring an action figure
Sure would be a shame..
Go Sheep
Or per hour
THIS is Literature
Thats too much power for one man to handle
...because it was two tired
Sorry, Boney Bois
This guy could replace the teacher with ease
Every video game ever taught me this is a bad idea
Everyone loves porn anyway
It's Spooktober, ergo I can resurrect this meme every once in a while
Not appreciated shenanigans
Birdie boi
Huckleberry is a wild dog.
Clickety Clack
I'm not a smart man
Dylan Moran is a made of gold.
I wanna participate in Halloween this year, but I've got bills to pay.
Looked up Fort Knox on Google Earth, I think it's probably accurate.
if you dont have 200 iq dont even try
This test.
Lawsuit avoided!
Is it me, or does "The Babysitter" have two right hands?
I made that motivational poster from earlier today better
When you want to launch the red rocket.
Pet crab eats a bowl of noodles
This should be good.
Sleep in a racing car
Original Recipe
No relation.
"The Friendzone"
Instead of texting my friends happy birthday, I send them this
Today I was shown the petty cash drawer at work. Was not disappointed.
Home opener for the Suns and they have this on the Jumbotron before the game starts.
I saw about half a Mercedes driving down the road today.
Thank you..
My mom has a 150-pound mastiff who is scared of the dark. She sent me this last night -- problem solved!
The "reviews" for this book...
Semi trucks napping in their natural habitat
$12.99 or ~40~
Sauce : Your name (AKA best movie ever made)
The tings go skrrrratatatatatat
Hello there
When one door closes...
The Magic Man
Sid was smarter than we gave him credit for
Perception vs. Reality
Bamboozled again!
Smell This
And the Oscar goes to...
The French are amazing
It's not gay, it's beyond such mediocre concepts as "love"
That’s what she said.
First date locations pros and cons
Solid Fatherly Advice
This cat taking a shit
Gun safety at it's finest.
I'll get around to it!
this meme transcends language
Just nod & smile
The pumpkins at my local grocery store have an unholy desire.