Mother to be was put on bed rest and couldn’t attend a baby shower so her husband filled in for her

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son hit his father. so funny
We have cars too
I’ve never felt so betrayed!
Someone told how good I was at painting and my fortune cooking can’t let me have anything.
I've been there, Thomas...
Don’t let your dog be in the same room as your robot vacuum unsupervised
I love this time of year.
Buy it
Haunted houses are scarier for some more than others
Woman are gay
Now, build the mountain
My cousin just posted his Halloween costume.
My cat is not what you would call the smartest of cats...
Scrolling through a website that shows you recipes based on what's in your fridge when this pops up
so you wanna disrespect anime?
Missed me?
We got our cat a new scratch post. Something tells me he's happy with it.
Hey humaaan, I'm from Australia
JFK files when released
Bill ain't never lied
Zero ***s were given that day
When my laptop asks for administrative privileges
If it bleeds... We can kill it.
My son did not enjoy this book. 0/10. Do not recommend.
How to tell when you're a real professional
Sign at the register of a local restaurant
Time management!
This homeless man's sign
Hahah got em
Jewish meme
My brother’s birthday present to his friend
God bless whoever thought of this!
Or a Uber, your choice
Someone left this at my store
When you're on the last roll of toilet paper and every wipe counts
Music class gets steamy
Rick and morty lololol
The name of this laundromat in SF
Dog 1 - 0 Science
Amazon Keyboard
The 5 elements
Afraid of needles
I prefer windows
Everyday all day
A hundred years later mankind are still the same
Conflict in Literature
What it feels like to sit in the front row at the movies
Is this a date?
Date guys with beards
I'll give you $500 !
And her shirt is still too small
My brother recently bought a van and found this inside it.
Tea is Dangerous
iSmart's logo really thew me for a second.
>Tfw no life
Classic Sean Lock
ass ♫ tiddies ♫ ass & tiddies ♫
Need Jesus to come
A doot youngling
Robot tells the truth
cheap knock offs
Polish Gotye
Top ten greatest anime battles
Damn cursive
Found this at the printer in my classroom.
Such realistic paint!
Gotta love Calvin and Hobbs
I kicked my little sister out of my room. 5 minutes later she slipped this under my door.
Roughest sport I ever played!
WHOA Black Betty...
The wrong ***ing book store
bois unite
Settings done right
This is the reason I drink coffee
One of the best Christmas gifts I ever gave was when I bought some X-rated movies & made fake DVD covers for them so his parents wouldn’t find them
They're not looking for a bone to pick; they just hope you find this HUMERUS
Jedi turned plumber
Worst "lemon" ever.
always member
Just don’t. Do the awesome thing.
Rest a little
ghouls gone wild
Someone broke into the London pub my friends manage...
for a second i thought there is a tiny iPhone on the table next to me
Best. Ad. Ever.
Job Test