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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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u r g e n t
I made a bumper sticker.
this scene is wierder than I remember
The left door perfectly describes the right door’s condition.
My boyfriend puts magnets on the back of twisted tea lids. I had fun while he was at work today.
We all bork down here
Beard oil ads be like
Wanted to make the goofiest looking pumpkin I could. I think I did alright
The Boston Tickle Party
Five Seconds
There’s no better way to go out
a new era begins
This made my Monday morning commute a little more tolerable.
Stall Humor, level: University
Everyone needs to unwind somehow...
Don't Tell Bert
You gotta be the hero
Indeed, Soviet wall sign.
Sponsored by the International Plumbing Association.
Left the packet open and come back to this gecko inside chilling with a marshmallow
The Nerf war at my office has become a game of readiness...
Enuff is enuff - we've had it!
My Very religious friends asked me to check on their 18y/o son while they were away. I sent them this picture of their house...
When you ask your friends what they think of your jacket...
when you're depressed but not depressed enough to kill yourself
This is an actual room number..
The 5 stages of Gondola
TMNT the original
mission complete! respect +
Don't knock it till you try it...
eat ass
when i introduce me and my german friends
Jond, Bames Jond
Sir Patrick Stewart
I just got a normal fortune cookie, but I did not expect that.
Life is though
Ranch day!! Yum...
man’s best friend
My friend is a math teacher but works at the haunted forest on the weekends. Here she is grading 150 tests in the best way possible.
Ah, the sweet (de)evolution
Kind of relatable.
The way this center candle melted....
it's not just Ahmed..
Goof looking
It’s rover raggy
Yesterday my little sister said she was going to make a walking stick, I assumed she meant one for helping you walk, but today I found this on the front porch
Sauce : Fallout new vegas
I carved the scariest pumpkin I could imagine.
When food is more important than the law.
Dark comedy is the best comedy
What you see VS what she sees
I love calvin and hobbes
Told my 3 and 4 yr olds to put the toilet paper under the sink... must be more specific next time
This father at the birth of his first child
A restaurant in Maine gets it.
Over here sarge
There’s an XKCD for everything... even in Econ books.
When you can afford the finer things, but not the delivery fee
I got surprise roasted on the road today.
My husband tried to buy carpet without me last week...
everyday I first go online:
I feel lucky to be alive.
You want sum of dat kush mah boi ?
Only Trump coke here
Who lives in a pineapple
It's important that the silly ones among us sometimes get their way
My three dads?
You've Been Hit By, You've Been Struck By...
Happened to all of us at some point in life
13 Year Old Goes All-Out Carving the Family Jack-o'-lantern
Good point
(low quality) OC
Got a misfortune cookie the other day. I don’t know what I expected...
It's time to stop.. or is it ?
Good Deeds...
nigerundayo smokey
My Love is Like A Candle
Spooky scary skeleton will steal your traffic cone
I think it's Lisa from the Simpson
Hershey's KISS
That's insane
This guys shirt this morning in traffic.
Dreams really do come true
Best way to warm up your cold feet
The Aussie robber
There are 3 types of girls on Halloween
Got chewed out by my mom because I'm a pot head and she found my "pipe"
Spongebob executes order 66
Wish I was cooler