The lucky number just said "You aren't going to win anyways"
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Dairy Queen has gotten a new slogan.
Harry, it's our calling card. We're the wet bandits!
I guess beggars CAN be choosers.
US Presidents through history
Dodging life's bullshit like...
My mom is always asking for pictures of me. One craigslist ad seeking a pregnant woman and $50 later, this is what I sent her.
Googled my house, found my cat looking for attention
Halloween group custom !
My fiancé is a dork
Saturday vs. Sunday
My buddy was the United Airlines Passenger
My carving masterpiece
My girlfriend and I went full Bob's Burgers along with some friends for Halloween last night, somehow didn't realize the incestual implications until afterwards
Saw the PSBattle on the front page and thought of this picture
Shit, I'm badly Screwed!
Someone want peesha
Y es
Ironically I'm Loving it.
✈️ Welcome aboard United Airlines ✈️ please remain seated until we reaccomodate you
Got room for one more if you still wanna go to Aspen. My wife and I for Halloween.
Low cost GoT Halloween costume
All my enemies are toast.
See what I did there?
hahaaha yAs
Minimum Viable Product...
Red being Red
My friend's Halloween costume:
What a difference a year makes
If Google says so.
Shape distribution in a box of Lucky Charms
Technically not wrong....
ye s
If I'm gonna be a princess for Halloween, I'm definitely gonna be a taco princess.
Last night was our wedding and actor Steve Zahn was staying at our hotel. He was super nice and had us do this goofy pose.
Happy Halloween ***s
What a comment!
My friend's Halloween costume
Molly doesn't bite people, she judges them
Was I not supposed to stare at it?
Was the biggest lie of my childhood
My sister and brother in law’s Halloween costume
Excellent store policy
Good times were had by most at the pumpkin party
Halloween tea.
Introducing Amazon Slav
a fly and a guy...
Why witches prefer black cats
I didn't think about this before, but i will now.
How to get a job in 2017
Anyway how is your sex life
How about a kiss
mobile grannys
The room doesn't matter...
One night stand anyone?
Harrison Ford said he will remember her as funny and emotionally fearless
durgesh = op bamboozle
Literally understandings
Me the next morning
The two lords.
This is stupid, but love it.
My brother's Halloween Costume this year
Someone needs to turn down that sass level...
fukin durgesh
Top secret
***ing furries
Apply on every store pls
Don't have candy? place empty bowl with note outside, kids will think other kids took all the candy
It is normal for Wal-Mart though
nat 20 on stealth roll
Best friends
Windows 10 in a nutshell.
This picture makes me uncomfortable
Spotted on Ohio State's campus...
This sign at the pig enclosure, Dublin zoo.
When your friend told you he couldn't make it tonight and you see him out...
Craig & Smokey
Realistic Halloween Costume
She just doesn't communicate with me...
My wife told me this fork was for the crab....I remain dubious.
Great Noise Cancellation!
2 to 4 years
I told my fiancee that we needed to get a funny tree topper to offset the "adult" tree.
Had to give my phone to the nurse when I went into have my finger partially amputated woke up to this gem
A costume we can all relate to
My girlfriend bought this hand towel at a street festival
Be proud of what you like
Me Right Now!
Party on, Single life.
Let’s do shrooms in the forest they said, it’ll be a great time they said