We’re truly witnessing something rare, as the wild SUV takes a drink out of the pond. It has traveled many miles to quench its thirst.

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My kind of steakhouse!
My school is taking the vaping "problem" a bit too seriously...
How a midnight coffee feels like
Ryan Gosling : The early years
Mascot of the year
Laws of the Internet.
I love the SFM community
memecrophilia is a serious issue you guys
Sometimes, when assembling furniture, does feel like this
Given my luck, it will probably be while I'm driving
Best use for ex-wife's wedding dress... snow camo!
you better watch some rick and morty
Why do we even listen to critics anymore?
Classic God
After how to tie a tie, here is how to tie a scarf
All this anime content has got me like
Italian Army recruitment
my favourite magic card
IPad Too Much
The nightly battle...
Cuphead - Beppi Secret Stage
Oh vey
Why my city wife refuses to go into my country parents' back yard.
When broccoli strikes back.
Huh. Maybe we die laughing !!
tall person problem
GOAT mean tweet
Snoop fish
Toy Story has so many great one-liners.
Head's up
Turbo Dog
Tim Cooks courageous response when asked about Apples offshore holdings
Need to get me some of this all natural calming product
You get incarcerated on April 20th
Best thrift store find!
"I was the ***."
just mark being a normal homo sapiens
If only my shower door had broken a week ago, I would have dressed up as Walter White.
I bought my cat a tie and this was my sister’s response
Michael Jackson gets to punch his entire concert audience in the arm
"Officer, the speed is relative" Einstein.
You'll like the way you curse, I guarantee it, mother***er.
Unfortunate picture of lotion over fresh tattoo
My moms peace hand broke one of its fingers
Found the saddest book in the world today
Not all heroes wear capes..
Things people said today
I'm just gonna sit riiiiight here.
My aunt was trying to sell an old van but it wouldn’t start so they open the hood.
I love adblock
It was on sale
Spotted in a shop window, Iceland...
So happy to see that my 6 year old is improving on his writing.
My fiance and I made pumpkins like one we saw on here, but they've started to rot. Now our pumpkins look like a couple of crazy meth heads.
Finally, a movement I can get behind
you know what they say about black people
i bet they watch Richard and Mortimer
My friend's waiter asked what he wanted for dessert. He said - "Nothing, thanks". This is what he got.
When I heard Amazon was in talks to make a LoTR series
Our buddy masturbates a lot so we got him a commercial paper towel dispenser for his bday
"Cats love it"
CNN anchors literally standing right next to each other...
My fiancée accidentally printed her concert ticket on a price tag sticker at work
My colleague was taking a lot of notes during an executive meeting. I asked to see what he was writing about
Hey Leia !
The most epic burn of all time.
Saw this yesterday... not sure how accurate it is.
Going the extra mile
It is done
Outside a local Wax Bar
This quote in my textbook
just stay on the ship lol
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand this joke
My wife casually mentioned that she forgot to take birth control this weekend... then we woke up to this on our microwave this morning
Some of these puns are dino-poor.
I only bought one ink package
This tree doesn't like its neighbors
First time in team history...
What my neighbors are up to at 3am
A seedy job
Wait, I didn't even...
here fixed it
Good Service
Fight Capitalism now for the low, low price of $375!
Doggo is Doggay
We Ain't Found Shit
As if high school wasn’t hard enough....